By Derek Prince
You know, in dealing with people about the confession of sin, which is so important, I’ve discovered that a lot of people think this way: “Well, if I don’t confess my sins to God, He’ll never know about them.” Really, I’ve found lots of people think that way.
Let me tell you, God knows already. And God is not asking you to confess in order to find out what you’ve done. God is asking you to confess because when you do that, He can help you. See? It’s for your good. It’s not for His information.
And let me tell you, too, when you’ve told Him the worst about yourself, you haven’t shocked Him. And He knew it all before you told Him. And I tell young people, there are things you might never be able to tell your parents, because you’d be too embarrassed and too ashamed. But you can tell God, and God is never embarrassed. Isn’t that wonderful?
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