The Second Heaven

A concise one-minute video excerpt from 'Casting Down Strongholds', featuring key message points and themes.





For instance, one of my students came to me one day and he said, “Please, sir, all my parents have come to see me.”

Well, I said, “I understand what you mean, but you’ve got the wrong word because you can’t have more than two parents, and you can’t use the word ‘all’ of less than three persons.” So, when Paul says there were above all the heavens, there must have been at least three heavens. Now, I believe that’s what there are. It seems to me the third heaven is the heaven of God’s dwelling place. It’s the holy heaven.

Then the first heaven, I would suggest, could be the visible heaven that we see—the sun, the moon, and the stars. So, in some way, there remains a second heaven, which is never called the second heaven, which is somewhere between the visible heaven and the heaven of God’s being. Personally, I believe that’s where Satan’s kingdom is located.

Casting Down Strongholds

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