Launching 30+ New Websites

Derek Prince Ministries
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Digital Discipleship

On Monday 11 September 2023, 33 new DPM websites were launched successfully, as part of the "Kagera Release”. Many of these sites represent the first-ever Derek Prince Ministries digital footprint in several languages and countries, making this accomplishment particularly momentous.

The websites are built in over 9 different languages. Among them are lite sites and full websites for countries such as Tanzania (Swahili), Greece (English & Greek), Bosnia, Kosovo, Burundi, Switzerland (German), Ukraine (Ukrainian, Russian & English), Norway (English & Norwegian), Zimbabwe (Shona), and Kenya (Swahili).

Also, the first right-to-left website was launched in Arabic for Egypt.  This enables the platform to move into new languages, expanding our potential user base to an additional 720 million people in languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, Urdu, Sorani, and more.  

Kagera Release: The Mighty Ocean

The name for this release comes from the Kagera River. As many streams converge to form the majestic Kagera River of East Africa, this batch of 33 new websites continues to make the journey from a 'stream' to a 'mighty ocean', eager to fulfil Derek Prince's prophetic vision of 1941:

“It shall be like a little stream, the little stream shall become a river, the river shall become a great river, the great river shall become a sea, the sea shall become a mighty ocean, and it shall be through thee.”

Kagera, being an upper tributary ultimately makes it to Lake Victoria, the Nile, then the Mediterranean Sea, and then, the mighty oceans!

250 million Portuguese speakers

Millions of people around the world don't know who to turn to in their time of need. They don't know where to find forgiveness or grace for help. They have not heard about Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. That is why these new websites excite all of us at Derek Prince Ministries as it answers to our heart's desire to reach people with God's Word.

For instance, the new Brazilian website has the potential to reach millions of people. According to Delma, our Portuguese translator, 112 of Derek's Teaching Letters are now freely available on the website, and more resources are to come. Over 214 million people speak Portuguese in Brazil, making it the largest Portuguese-speaking country in the world.  Overall, Portuguese is a widely spoken language, with around 250 million speakers worldwide.

Supporting Greek believers

We asked Angela, the Greek translator, how she felt about the Greek website now being live. She said:

"I am excited that the Greek-speaking world now has access to the sound Biblical material of Derek Prince in fulfillment of the vision that the Lord gave to Derek: This is in alignment with the time prophecy that the Gospel shall be preached to all the nations (Matthew 24:14).

I am hoping that the website will provide the necessary materials and resources to educate the Greek-speaking world with sound Biblical truth in order to eradicate erroneous teachings and traditions, to inspire and to create true Disciples of Christ who walk and live in the power of God. I am also hoping that many of these materials will be available freely in agreement with 'Freely you have received, freely give' (Matthew 10:5-8). Currently, the amount of Greek resources is still limited, but I believe that the more people in Greece become involved, the more resources will become available. Our aim is always to reach as many people as possible."

All websites can be accessed here:

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