In October, we had the privilege of revisiting a region in central Tamil Nadu after almost five years. This conference, however, came with a significant challenge—monsoon rains and an impending storm along the Tamil Nadu coast. While most people advised us to cancel the meeting and the three-day Youth Training Program that was to follow, the organizing pastor chose to proceed as planned, and we witnessed a miracle! Although it poured rain in the surrounding areas, the town where we held the meetings remained completely dry.

Being our second visit to this area, we focused on teaching the pastors about Blessings and Curses. Many of these pastors serve in rural communities where generational curses often arise from idolatry and harmful cultural practices. The teaching was perfectly suited to equip them to minister - first to their congregations - and then to their broader communities.
One pastor shared his testimony:
"I am grateful for the teaching we received, as it revealed many areas of our lives that are under a curse due to cultural practices that directly conflict with the Word of God. The clear understanding I gained today equips me to return to my congregation and community to help them break free from the curses they are experiencing due to these cultural inconsistencies."
For many pastors, the teachings first brought a deep personal conviction—the realization of the need to address and break free from curses in their own lives. As one pastor reflected:
"I was eager to learn about this topic so I could share it with others and teach them. However, as I listened today, the Holy Spirit convicted me, revealing numerous areas in my own life that were misaligned with God’s Word and therefore put me under a curse. I am grateful to have first experienced deliverance and stepped into the blessings God has for me."
A particularly impactful part of the teaching was on financial curses—highlighting how misalignment with God’s Word and principles can hinder financial blessing. For many pastors who have struggled financially, this revelation was transformative. One testified:
"Today, I gained a clear revelation about the root of financial curses in my life. This teaching helped me understand the distinct difference between us and the Levitical priesthood, to whom we often compare ourselves when claiming that tithes belong to us. The clarity you provided on tithing will undoubtedly help us step into a new level of abundance."
The pastors were also deeply grateful for the resources provided, including books and SD cards, which will support their ongoing study of the Word of God and enable them to share deeper truths with their congregations.
Thank you for enabling us to bring these teachings and resources to those who can directly impact their communities. By your support, we are truly spreading the light of Christ and His salvation to communities that might otherwise remain in darkness. Your prayers and sacrificial giving make a tangible difference.