Day 110: What is Forgiveness?
Daily Devotional
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Day 110: What is Forgiveness?

A portrait of Derek Prince in black and white
Daily Devotional: Think About This

By Derek Prince

Previous Day: Think, Speak and Act

So many people don’t forgive others because they wait for an emotion of forgiveness. This is a deception. People say, “Well, I don’t feel forgiving.” I say praise God. I’ve got news for you. You don’t have to feel it. You have to will it. You make a decision. Sister, have you forgiven your father, your husband, your wife. “Well.” Oh yes, when did you do it. “Well, I pray for him.” I said that isn’t what I asked. If I have borrowed a thousand dollars from you and I’ve given you my I.O.U. for a thousand dollars, I’m not interested so much whether you pray for me or love me or understand me. I’m interested in what you do with my I.O.U. As long as you keep that I.O.U. in tact in your hand, I owe you a thousand dollars. The moment you tear that I.O.U. up and drop it in the waste paper basket, then I know the matter is closed. This is forgiveness.

Prayer Response

This quote is from the message titled The Importance of Decision by Derek Prince.
This quote is from the message titled The Importance of Decision by Derek Prince.
Next Day: Being Different
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