Don't Let Him In

A concise one-minute video excerpt from 'Witchcraft In Disguise', featuring key message points and themes.





Let’s read.

“This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, ‘These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.’”

Notice, every word she said was true. And she could not have known it by any natural means. It was by a supernatural revelation. It seemed to endorse the ministry of Paul and Silas, but it was from Satan.

Why? Now, this is my opinion, because I believe Satan wanted to infiltrate the church of Philippi right from the beginning. And had Paul and Silas been like some modern missionaries, you know what they would have done? They would have made that slave girl a charter member of the church in Philippi.

Witchcraft In Disguise

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