This Is For You!

A concise one-minute video excerpt from 'How to Find Your Place', featuring key message points and themes.





Many of you, in the course of your lives up to this point, have been involved in things that were impure and sinful and unholy.

Basically, that’s the major problem of the younger generation in the world today. They’ve been involved in sexual immorality, drugs, the occult. Maybe, by God’s grace, that doesn’t apply to some of you.

But suppose such a person gets wonderfully saved by Jesus. Is there any possibility that a body that’s been defiled by sin and evil practices can ever become holy? The answer is yes, but only in one way.

If you place your body on the altar, the altar will sanctify what’s placed on it. There’s no other way.

How to Find Your Place

Expand your knowledge. Watch the full sermon online for a deeper, comprehensive study of the Bible.

Full Sermon
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