The Rebel In You

A concise one-minute video excerpt from 'The Holy Spirit As Guide', featuring key message points and themes.





Now, I’ll put it in my words. Paul is saying, when you come under the law, you, that’s a marriage contract by which you are married to your fleshly nature. All right? Because your law, the law works on your fleshly nature and says, “Do this, don’t do that.”

It’s kind of held up there as a set of rules speaking to you and saying, “Now do this, don’t do that.” And once you’re under the law, you’re married to this fleshly nature of yours, which is a rebel.

And no matter how hard you try to keep the law, you don’t succeed because the rebel in you won’t do the right thing. See? How many of you would be honest enough to admit that’s your experience? You really try to do the right thing and keep the rules, and somehow you didn’t succeed.

The Holy Spirit As Guide

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