Intervention of Angels

A concise one-minute video excerpt from 'Casting Down Strongholds', featuring key message points and themes.





And now I must return to fight with the prince of Persia. In other words, the battle isn’t over yet. And when I’ve gone forth, indeed, the prince of Greece will come. That’s the next major Gentile empire. And you can understand, behind the history of these human empires, there are satanic forces at work that really are the explanation of what happened. You really cannot fully understand human history if you only look on the horizontal, human level, because the real forces that determine the destinies of nations and people are in the heavenlies.

And then he says,

“But I will tell you what is noted in the Scripture of ‘truth.’ No one upholds me against these, except Michael, your prince.”

Again, the archangel Michael.

“Also, in the first year of Darius the Mede, I, even I, stood up to confirm and strengthen him.”

There’s a clear example of the intervention of angels in human history.

Casting Down Strongholds

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