God Bless Us

A concise one-minute video excerpt from 'How to Find Your Place', featuring key message points and themes.





You’ve all heard, I’m sure, of David Livingstone, the missionary who really opened up Africa, who is a world-famous name. He became a doctor, but then went to Africa. His brother also became a doctor, and so when David went to Africa, his brother thought he was doing totally the wrong thing.

The brother said, “I don’t want that kind of life. I want to make a name for myself.” Today, in the British Encyclopedia, Encyclopædia Britannica, David’s brother has one line stating he’s the brother of David Livingstone. David has sixteen paragraphs.

You see, in the long run, it always pays to trust God. There’ll always be a step of faith. You’ll always have to give up something.

“You have to give up your own life, but if you lose your life, you’ll find the life that God has for you.”

How to Find Your Place

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