By Derek Prince
Until you try to be good, you don’t know what you’re struggling with. This is universal. See, the old man is the old man. He’s not the old Chinese man, or the old Russian man, or the old British man, because it all goes way back to our first forefather Adam, who was a rebel. He never begat any children until he was a rebel, and every descendant of Adam has the nature of a rebel in him, which Paul calls the flesh, the old man.
And until the law comes, we can be quite happy and contented. “Well, I’m as good as the rest. I’m not so bad after all.” But when we see the law and say, “That’s right. That’s what I need to do. That’s how I need to live.” That’s when we discover what’s really inside of us. So the purpose of the law, the primary purpose, is to bring sin to light.
Because otherwise, we can be deceived all through our lives, not knowing what we’re really like inside.
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