By Derek Prince
Now, what I’m going to do now is explain to you the nature of curses and blessings. These are two major themes of Scripture. I think the word “bless” in various forms occurs about six hundred times in the Bible, and the word “curse” probably nearly half that number of times. But I have learned by experience that most of God’s people are not really familiar with the nature of curses and blessings.
I believe it’s the purpose of God that through the redemption in Christ, we should be released from curses and enjoy the blessing. But wherever I travel, I find many of God’s people who are enduring curses when they should be enjoying blessing. And one main reason is that they don’t know how to recognize what’s a curse and what’s a blessing.
A second reason is that even if they recognize it, they may not know how to be released from the curse and entered into the blessing.
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