The Symbolism Of The Tabernacle
Derek Prince
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The Way Into The Holiest (Volume 1): A Call To Perfection Series
Background for The Symbolism Of The Tabernacle
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The Symbolism Of The Tabernacle

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Part 2 of 4: The Way Into The Holiest (Volume 1): A Call To Perfection

By Derek Prince

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The Symbolism of the Tabernacle

Will you stand with me while we pray? Iā€™m going to ask that you truly unite your hearts with me in prayer, that itā€™s not just one person praying but every one of us making contact with God individually and collectively as a group, that God may really have his way and we may get the best out of the time weā€™re going to spend together.

ā€œFather, we thank thee again this afternoon for the unspeakable blessings and privileges that are ours in Christ. We thank thee for each one of the sessions that we have already enjoyed. We thank thee for the truth of thy word going forth and we just humbly acknowledge our dependence upon thee again this afternoon. We know, Lord, that without thee we can do nothing. We depend on thy Holy Spirit, the guide, the teacher, the comforter whom you have sent to us. We submit to you. We choose to be in subjection to the Father of spirits. We open up our hearts and minds to you in the name of Jesus and through the blood of Jesus that we may receive the truth and be kept from all error. We pray that we shall so receive your word that it shall do us good and accomplish your purposes in each one of our lives. For your glory, in Jesusā€™ name. Amen.ā€

God bless you, you may be seated. We are going to continue the second in our series of studies on the theme ā€œThe Way into the Holiest.ā€ Weā€™ll take out outline and weā€™ll just quickly notice certain of the points that we dealt with yesterday, only a few of them, and then we will go immediately on. We have a great deal of ground to cover.

Weā€™ll note, first of all, Hebrews 6:1ā€“2, the introductory scripture at the beginning of the outline which lays this basic truth for us that there is a foundation of doctrine which must be laid and six foundation doctrines are listed. But having laid the foundation, we are not to go on relaying the foundation every time. See, this has been the weakness of a good many Evangelical and fundamentalist groups; that theyā€™ve gone on Sunday after Sunday, year after year just laying the foundation of repentance from dead works and faith toward God. If you do not ever go beyond the foundation you can never get to a completed building. So the Bible says you must have the foundation, it must be thoroughly laid and when it has been laid, then let us go on unto perfection, completeness, fulfillment, maturity. What we are seeking to do is to follow that exhortation and to go on unto maturity.

I believe the same epistle that gives us the exhortation shows us the way. The way into perfection, to maturity, to completeness, to fulfillment is the way into the holiest which is unfolded in the epistle to the Hebrews as in no other passage of the New Testament that I know of.

Now weā€™re going to speak about the tabernacle for a while. The triune pattern of the tabernacle. Triune means three in one. The tabernacle was a triune structure, it had three areas. The outer court, the holy place and the holy of holies. It was triune, one structure with three distinct areas. The holy of holies, the holy place and the outer court. This depicts many different things. It depicts the nature of God, the nature of heaven. You remember that there are three heavens. Paul knew a man caught up into the third heaven. It depicts the nature of man, it depicts the pattern of the church, it depicts many, many things.

We are going to deal with it as depicting the nature of man. In this way, relate the teaching about holiness to our nature. To take just the basic scripture for the fact that man is a triune being, three in one like the tabernacle, weā€™ll turn to 1Thessalonians 5:23.

ā€œAnd the very God of peace sanctify you wholly [completely]...ā€

Sanctify means made holy. So Paul prays that the God of peace shall make these believers completely holy. And the word complete leads him on to the next part of the verse.

ā€œ...and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.ā€

When Paul speaks about wholly or entirely, this leads him to speak of the three different areas of personality which make up total human beings. Spirit, soul and body. And very, very obviously these correspond to the three main divisions of the tabernacle. The holy of holies, the spirit. The holy place, the soul. The outer court, the body.

The real obvious distinction in these three areas of the tabernacle is the type of light available in each. In the outer court you have natural light; the sun by day, the moon and the stars by night. Once you get inside the tabernacle, and it was a very dense structure. Very, very little, if any, light from outside could possibly have filtered through into it. This is a very remarkable fact. It has four successive coverings. There is no natural light. The only source of light is the seven brass golden candlesticks which was filled with olive oil and the oil being set on fire provided light. This I have likened to revealed truth. The truth of scripture revealed to the mind by the Spirit. The oil, as always, being a type of the Holy Spirit.

When you get into the holy of holies, there isnā€™t even the light of the candlestick. It is dark unless what? The very presence of God himself coming in illuminates it. This I call direct revelation, the direct revelation of God. The word shekinahis a word that comes from the Hebrew word ā€œto dwell.ā€ It means the manifest indwelling presence of Almighty God in the midst of his people.

One interesting thing about the tabernacle is that the holy of holies was absolutely, geometrically in the center of Godā€™s people. They had to camp around it on all sides.

Now, we just point out a few interesting facts without dwelling too long on any of them at this point. There are a number of interesting aggregates of seven. There were seven items of furniture in the tabernacle. Two in the outer court which weā€™ll look at in detail later. The great altar of brass and the laver of brass. Three in the holy place. The table of shewbread, the candlestick and the golden altar of incense. And then in the holy of holies the ark, which was a chair, and the mercy seat which covered the ark. The two items there are only indicated by one space but there are two items, the ark and the mercy seat.

We have the seven ministries of Jesus which God has just opened up to me in the last few weeks. Weā€™ll go into this in greater detail. In the holy place, in this realm we have the fivefold ministry of apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd and teacher. But in the holy of holies we have the twofold ministry of priest and king. Thatā€™s where weā€™re headed, thatā€™s our destination.

We have also the seven garments of the high priest and if you want the reference, it isnā€™t in your outline, itā€™s Exodus 29:5ā€“6. Put them in their right order, the order in which they were put on, itā€™s this: First of all, the coat. It really isnā€™t a coat, itā€™s an undergarment. Thatā€™s a mistranslation. Secondly, the robe which was all of blue and seamless, the heavenly robe. Thirdly, the ephod, the special garment worn by the priest. Fourthly, the breastplate which went upon the ephod. Fifthly, the girdle of the ephod which bound it around the body of the priest. Sixthly, the miter or turban that went upon his head. Seventhly, the golden plate which said ā€œholiness unto the Lordā€ which went upon the miter. So you have seven garments of the high priestā€”on which we could preach for a week without stopping. But it isnā€™t our purpose to do that.

Now, coming back to the diagram weā€™re dealing now with the outer fence. The whole thing was surrounded by a fence which was 100 cubits long, 50 cubits wide. A cubit is about one foot and a half. So it was about 150 long, about 75 feet wide. This outer fence was of pure, white linen. It was five cubits high which is seven and a half feet. So there was no peeping over. This is a very simple little illustration. If you want to know whatā€™s inside, you have to go in. You canā€™t peep over the fence. A lot of people want to know what it would be like to get saved before they get saved, but God has made the fence too high to peep over. Youā€™ve got to commit yourself and walk in or you just donā€™t know what itā€™s like inside.

The fine linen always in scripture typifies righteous living. Weā€™ll take one scripture that concerns that, Revelation 19:8. Weā€™ll read verse 7 to get the context.

ā€œLet us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him; for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.ā€

But the Greek says ā€œrighteousnesses,ā€ itā€™s plural. Itā€™s not imputed righteousness, itā€™s outworked righteousness. Itā€™s righteousness in action. The fine linen is the righteous actions of the saints. This is righteous living. There is a line of separation between the believer and the unbeliever. The line is the way you live. Itā€™s not the church you attend, itā€™s not the denomination you belong to but itā€™s the way you live that separates you from the ungodly world. And there is an absolute line of separation. You cannot sit on that linen fence and be halfway in and halfway out. Iā€™ll give you a scripture, 2Timothy 2:19. Speaking about false teachers, which we donā€™t need to go into, this is the background.

ā€œNevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal...ā€

And thereā€™s a double seal. The first is Godā€™s knowledge of his people.

ā€œ...The Lord knoweth them that are his.ā€

The second is the way we live.

ā€œLet every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from unrighteousness.ā€

Thatā€™s the linen fence. If you want to live in unrighteousness, you donā€™t belong in here. If you want to come in here youā€™ve got to depart from unrighteousness. You cannot have it both ways. Thatā€™s the linen fence.

Now we come to the three entrances. There are three successive entrances. Each has a kind of curtain. Here at the entrance to the outer court, here at the entrance to the holy place and here at the entrance to the holy of holies. Those round marks signify posts. Itā€™s important to get the number of the posts. At the entrance to the court there were four posts. At the entrance to the holy place there were five posts, Or pillars. And at the entrance to the holy of holies there were four posts.

Weā€™ll take briefly the meaning of these three successive entrances by which we come into the holiest of all. We can take John 14:6, a much quoted scripture with a much deeper meaning than many people realize.

ā€œJesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.ā€

Each entrance is Jesus, but Jesus in three aspects. The way, the truth, and the life. You are coming to the Father. The way to the Father is by Jesus: the way, the truth, the life.

Letā€™s look at the posts for a moment and see the significance of the number of pillars. The first curtain had four pillars and I liken these to the four gospels, the historical revelation of Jesus in the day of his flesh. Let me say this. The outer court represents truth about Jesus in the days of his flesh that could be known by natural means. You could see and hear Jesus with your natural eyes and with your natural ears. All thatā€™s in the outer court are aspects of truth that can be perceived by the natural senses. Once we get inside there itā€™s all revelation, thereā€™s no more natural sense knowledge.

The doorway into the knowledge of Jesus in the days of his flesh is the four gospels. This is often likened to the four cherubim of Ezekiel. If you would like to turn for a moment, this is not a new interpretation, this is a familiar one. Ezekiel 1, reading from verse 5 rather quickly.

ā€œAnd out of the midst thereof [which is the glory and presence of Almighty God] there came the likeness of four living creatures.

These are the same living creatures that are called beasts in the King James Version of Revelationā€”but should have been called living creatures there, tooā€”that are around the throne of God in Revelation 4 and 5.

ā€œAnd this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.ā€

And then in verse 10:

ā€œAs for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side; and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.ā€

So they had four faces: a man, the lion, the ox and the eagle. Let us relate this to the four gospels, each of which presents one aspect or face of Jesus. Going through them in the order in which they come in the Bible we have Matthew that presents Jesus as the king, the lion, the king of beasts. This is the theme of Matthew. You come to Mark, it presents Jesus as the servant, the ox.

This is very clear in the genealogy. There are three genealogies given of Jesus in three gospels. Matthew traces him back to Abraham, heā€™s the fulfillment of Godā€™s promises to Israel. Luke traces him back to Adam, heā€™s the fulfillment of Godā€™s promise to the whole human race. But John traces him back to God. ā€œIn the beginning was the word, and the word was with God.ā€ The only begotten of the Father.

Now, Mark doesnā€™t give any genealogy. Do you know why? Because a servant needed no genealogy. Mark presents him as the servant. The key word of Mark is straightway. All God asked of a servant is immediate obedience. Heā€™s the perfect pattern. You go through Mark and unfortunately, the King James translates the same Greek word by various different English words. If you could find the number of times that word straightway, immediately, straight forth occurs, it would be a revelation to you of what God expects in the matter of obedience. Jesus is the perfect pattern. Heā€™s the ox, the servant.

You know, as I was meditating on this I almost saw the face of an ox before me in the spirit. And Iā€™ll tell you what I saw. You might smile but I saw real beauty in that face. Patience, meekness, willingness to grind and to serve and to be available to man. Iā€™ve never thought about the ox before but it was almostā€”I didnā€™t get a vision but in my mindā€™s eye I saw before me the face of an ox. Iā€™ve never thought about an ox as a beautiful creature but God showed me real beauty in Jesus the servant, the ox.

Then we have Luke, the son of man, the man, the human being. Luke is the gospel that presents Jesus in his perfect, beautiful humanity. ā€œBehold, the man.ā€ The only man who was what every man should be.

And John, the eagle, the bird that can look the sun right full in the face, soars up higher than any other creature, the Son of God.

Itā€™s through those four gospels that we enter into the knowledge of Jesus in the days of his flesh.

Now, letā€™s go on to the next entrance. The second curtain, Jesus the truth. In here we have revealed truth. Weā€™ve gone beyond the earthly days of Jesus. Heā€™s been crucified, resurrected in here. But you never know Jesus resurrected by natural knowledge. Now weā€™re dependent upon revelation. Those who will not receive revelation do not believe in resurrection. This is very clear. Most theologians are theorizing from the outer court. As a matter of fact, I question whether theyā€™re even in the outer court when I consider the way they live!

We wonā€™t dwell on this but I believe that these five posts represent the five ministries that are needed to get you in here, the holy place, and make you what you should be in here. Apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, teachers. If you want a scripture reference, Ephesians 4:8 and 11.

ā€œWherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.ā€

This is after his death, burial, resurrection and ascension. Itā€™s in this area. Verse 11:

ā€œAnd he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers...ā€

These are the ministries that deal with Godā€™s people in this realm.

Thereā€™s two more ministries that are waiting in the holy of holies which weā€™ll come to later.

In Exodus 26 you have this pattern which we might take just for a moment, of the five ministries. Exodus 26:26ā€“28. The bars that kept the boards of the tabernacle in position. The boards were vertical, the bars were horizontal. To keep the boards joined together in one structure there were five bars that ran horizontally across the walls. And one bar went all the length. The other four bars were divided in two pairs, one above and one below. Try and draw it. Hereā€™s the boards of the tabernacle vertical. Hereā€™s the center bar that goes all the way across. Here are the upper and lower bars, each of which cover half the wall. Along here weā€™ll write apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds [or pastors]. What have we got left? Teacher. See, the apostle covers all the ground, he can go in and do everything from foundation to roof. The other ministries must be complemented by one another. Thatā€™s just a little illustration, we wonā€™t dwell on it, but I do believe that God showed me that those are the ministries that relate to the holy of holies.

Weā€™ll go on to the third curtain or veil. The third entrance which is Jesus the life. This is entered through the rent veil. The veil had to be rent and that is stated in Hebrews 10:20. Hebrews 10:19ā€“20:

ā€œHaving therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh.ā€

So it is the flesh of Jesus rent on the cross that opens the way for us into the very life of God. Itā€™s through death that we enter into life. This is the paradox of all scripture. And itā€™s when the flesh of Jesus, his physical body, was rent on the cross that the veil was open for us to enter into the holiest. This is in direct line with the statement in Matthew 27:50ā€“51. Describing the actual death of Jesus on the cross:

ā€œJesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom...ā€

In the temple of Herod the veil that separated the most holy place from the holy was rent from top to bottom by a sovereign, supernatural act of God, demonstrating the way was then open into the holiest of all through the rent flesh of Jesus.

The four pillars here I would compare to four aspects of what Christ is. Perhaps we can turn to Colossians 3:11 first.

ā€œWhere there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.ā€

You really have to get here before thatā€™s fully true, that Christ is all, and in all. There every distinction, every barrier, every thing that separates is finally resolved and Christ is all, and in all.

To take the four pillars one at a time, we turn to 1Corinthians 1:30.

ā€œBut of him [that is God] are ye in Christ Jesus...ā€

Itā€™s only in Christ Jesus that any of this is true. Outside of Christ Jesus thereā€™s no acceptance, no access, nothing.

ā€œ...Christ Jesus, is of God made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.ā€

There are the four pillars. Wisdom, righteousness, sanctification [which is holiness], redemption. When you come in through there, Christ is all, and in all. Thatā€™s the consummation of spiritual progress.

Now letā€™s look at the two ministries of Jesus that are exercised in the holiest of all. Ministries which I venture to say are mostly unknown to the average Charismatic believer because few have ever got beyond this area here. Until we go through the final veil, we do not come into the reality of these last two great ministries of Jesus. The ministry of priest and king. Look now in Hebrews again, chapter 6 and verse 20. Well, weā€™ll read verse 19 because we see where weā€™re headed for. Hebrews 6:19ā€“20 through 7:2. Then you get the full picture. Donā€™t bother with the chapter division.

ā€œWhich hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; [now itā€™s talking about the final veil] whither the forerunner is for us entered...ā€

Doesnā€™t that make you feel happy? It makes me tingle when I say that one sentence.

ā€œ...the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchizidek.ā€

Thatā€™s where his high priestly ministry finds its consummation, inside the veil.

ā€œFor this Melchizidek, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; to whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace.ā€

He combined the two ministries of priest and king. Itā€™s important to see that while the old tabernacle was standing, those two ministries were separated. Hereā€™s a great truth. Under the law of Moses the priesthood belonged to the tribe of Levi, the kingship belonged to the tribe of Judah. And it was absolutely forbidden for a king to offer sacrifice as a priest. Saul did it and lost his kingdom as a result. It was absolutely fixed that there was a separation. But when Jesus came, he came as a priest after the order of Melchizidek combining priesthood and kingship. But it is within the veil. This does not become real or experiential as long as we stay outside that final veil.

Now thereā€™s a beautiful scripture in Zechariah which sets this forth more clearly, I think, than anything I know anywhere in scripture. The prophet Zechariah, the 6th chapter, reading from verse 12ā€“13. This is Old Testament prophetical type which we cannot go into in detail but weā€™ll just take the truth from them.

ā€œAnd speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH...ā€

Branch is one of the titles of Messiah in the Old Testament. So here the man who is the branch, the Messiah:

ā€œ...and he shall grow up out of his place...ā€

Isaiah 53:1 says he shall grow up as a root out of a dry ground.

ā€œ...and he shall build the temple of the Lord...ā€

What is the temple of the Lord? The church.

ā€œ...even he shall build the temple of the Lord...ā€

Here are the building ministries here, the five building ministries. But then we go on to the next two.

ā€œ...and he shall bear the glory...ā€

You know, the Hebrew word for glory is ?cavod? and the Hebrew word for heaviness is ?caded?. Theyā€™re directly related. Paul talks in 2Corinthians ā€œa far more eternal and exceeding weight of glory.ā€ Did you realize glory was a weight? If God were to put that glory on you it would crush you to the ground. Thereā€™s only one man that can bear the glory, thatā€™s Jesus. He shall bear the glory.

ā€œ...and he shall sit and rule upon his throne...ā€

Who sits and rules upon a throne? What kind of a person? A king.

ā€œ...and he shall be a priest upon his throne...ā€

So heā€™s the king priest after the order of Melchizidek sitting on a throne. What is his throne? The mercy seat that covers the broken law thatā€™s in the ark.

No wonder the writer of Hebrews said it was the throne of grace because itā€™s sprinkled with the blood of the atoning sacrifice. Weā€™ll come to that more fully later.

Look at the final sentence of Zechariah 6:13, it is most beautiful. Iā€™ll read the whole verse so that you get the context, then Iā€™m going to ask you a question. You better be prepared. Zechariah 6:13:

ā€œEven he shall built a temple of the Lord; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.ā€

Who is them both? The Father and the Son, thatā€™s right. Isnā€™t that a tremendous revelation! Where is Christ now? Heā€™s at the Fatherā€™s right hand on the throne. What is he doing there? Heā€™s fulfilling the ministries of priest and king. For whose benefit did he go there? Heā€™s the forerunner entered in for us to open the way and to bring us in. So we share his throne life with him. Isnā€™t that something to be happy about?

The four coverings of the tabernacle are related in Exodus 26:1ā€“14. This gives us the four coverings of the tabernacle. Weā€™re not going to read all fourteen verses but weā€™ll read the four different coverings. You see what I mean when I say no light could filter in from outside into the tabernacle. It was covered over with four successive coverings starting from inside and working outside which is Godā€™s way of working, not manā€™s. We get this in chapter 26 of Exodus, verse 1:

ā€œMoreover thou shall make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine twined linen...ā€

Whatā€™s the fine linen? Righteousness. But now this linen is different from this linen out here. Itā€™s got ā€œblue, and purple, and scarlet: with cherubims of cunning work.ā€ Thatā€™s a different kind of thing. So the fine linen is still righteousness but the things that make it amazingly beautiful is spiritual holiness of heart. This is not just outward righteousness of acts. ā€œI donā€™t go to the movies, I donā€™t drink whiskey or beer or a lot of other things which you do or donā€™t do.ā€ Weā€™ve got long past there, see? Which is where most Christians live. Weā€™ve got to here, something that canā€™t be seen until youā€™re inside.

And then it is literally breathtakingly beautiful. I wish youā€™d take time to imagine what this looked like when you were inside and this glorious golden light of the seven brass candlesticks was illuminating this beautiful white linen which was gloriously embroidered with cherubims and cunning works.

And remember the cherubims, they had four faces. The face of a man, the face of a lion, the face of an ox and the face of an eagle. And wherever you went inside there there were eyes looking at you from the embroidery. I mean, I donā€™t suppose human art has ever achieved anything more beautiful than the interior of the tabernacle. I mean that literally. I donā€™t suppose Michaelangelo or anybody ever achieved anything more wonderfully beautiful than this interior of the tabernacle. And that is inward beauty of heart. Letā€™s take one scripture. Keep your finger in Exodus 26 and just turn to 1Peter 3:3ā€“4. Talking to married Christian women. Letā€™s leave out the fact that itā€™s married women. Would you do that for a moment? Letā€™s forget that because that tends to put the backs of the ladies up and I donā€™t want your back up, youā€™ll miss it.

ā€œWhose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting of the hair...ā€

See, the thing about the tabernacle is it had no outward adorning. Itā€™s very, very interesting. Youā€™ll see that in a minute. It was a very unattractive, drab looking structure from outside, deliberately designed to be that way. But when you got inside it was dazzling.

ā€œ...and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.ā€

Thatā€™s the fine linen embroidered with the cherubims. Thatā€™s the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit.

Now listen ladies, if you keep quiet for a moment I want to ask the men a question. How many of you men believe that a man should have a meek and quiet spirit? I certainly do. We are rather prone to tell our wives they need a meek and quiet spirit. Thereā€™s nothing in the Bible that says a man doesnā€™t need that. Thatā€™s spiritual beauty, male or female.

All right, going back to the covering of the tabernacle. Weā€™ve come to the inner thing, the fine linen beautifully embroidered. Now go on to verse 7, the next covering was:

ā€œThou shalt make curtains of goatsā€™ hair...ā€

Thatā€™s very different, isnā€™t it? Goatsā€™ hair is coarse, strong, but not beautiful. The goatsā€™ hair represents the old Adam, the goat in you and me. You know thereā€™s a goat that lives inside you? Have you ever been in a country where they pastured sheep and goats. Have you ever noticed the different behavior of the sheep and the goats? You know that the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered by a goat which strayed away and got up into a cave? A sheep would never have got up there. But thereā€™s a goat nature in every sinner that makes him stray and wander and want his own way. Itā€™s called the old Adam. And here it is in the covering of the tabernacle. But underneath it is something of dazzling beauty and above it, now listen, above it in verse 14:

ā€œThou shalt make a covering for the tent of ramsā€™ skins dyed red...ā€

What does the red typify? The shed blood of Jesus. The ram, the prince, the sinner substitute. So the old Adamic nature is covered from in and out. From inside itā€™s covered by the spiritual beauty of the new creation. Outside itā€™s covered by the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. Our old man was crucified in him. And if you keep the old man between the fine linen and the ramsā€™ skins, heā€™s all right. If you let him get out of his place, heā€™s still a goat.

Then finally, on top of it all, the badgersā€™ or sealsā€™ skin, though thereā€™s no unanimity as to what type of animal that was. Thereā€™s no beauty, itā€™s very strong but itā€™s a rugged exterior. So to find out what itā€™s like you have to go inside.

Now, this total area, I believe, represents what the Bible calls the heart. There are two compartments to the heart: the spirit and the soul. But in one or other passage of the Bible somewhere you can find every function, spirit and soul, designated by the word heart. The heart is the inner man not visible except to the Lord. Because man looked on the outward appearance, the Lord looks inside. 1Samuel 16:7.

Letā€™s stand to our feet and just praise the Lord in closing prayer. ā€œThank you, Jesus. Praise your wonderful name. We thank you Lord. We praise you. We give you the glory, the honor and the praise. Hallelujah. Praise your name. Thank you, Jesus.ā€

Letā€™s worship the Lord in the Spirit quietly and reverently. But let everybody worship. ā€œWe praise you Jesus. We praise your name, Lord. Glory and honor and power be unto him that sitteth on the throne and to the Lamb for ever and ever. Thank you, Lord. We bless your name Lord. We thank you, we praise you, we bless you. Hallelujah, glory to your name. Praise your wonderful name. Forever and ever and ever thou art to be praised. Amen.ā€

ā€œFather, I thank you for your people here this afternoon. I thank you for such a large number of people that just want to know what your word has to say. Bless every word of truth that was imparted this afternoon. Let it not return unto you void, Lord. Let it accomplish your pleasure. Let it work effectually in every one that believes it. We commend your word to you that the Holy Spirit shall use it to work out your perfect will in the lives of each of your children. That we may indeed go on unto perfection. In Jesusā€™ name.ā€ And all Godā€™s people said Amen. God bless you.

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Code: MA-4022-100-ENG
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