By Derek Prince
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Be encouraged and inspired with this Bible-based sermon by Derek Prince.
Be encouraged and inspired with this Bible-based sermon by Derek Prince.
In our previous two sessions Iâve explained that weâre living in a period of restoration which centers in Godâs people. And right at the heart of that restoration is the restoration of the church of Jesus Christ to its God given inheritance in Christ. I suggested to you three main aspects of that restoration. First of all, the spiritual gifts that are spoken of in 1Corinthians 12. Second, the body building ministries that are spoken of in Ephesians 4. And third, which is the theme of my studies with you here, the restoration of the message which I believe is essential to the total process of restoration. I explained to you that the message as presented in the New Testament, right from the beginning, is the good news of the kingdom of God. Itâs not normally called just the good news or the gospel, itâs not normally called the gospel of salvation, although that phrase is used, but the main theme is the good news of the kingdom of God; the good news that God is willing to take over the government of the human race. This is the only real, permanent, practical solution to human problems whether itâs an individualâs problem, the problem of a nation or the problems of all humanity. The only ultimate solution is the government of God.
Godâs government is no democracy. Thatâs a shocking statement to most Americans but it just happens to be true. Godâs government is a kingdom. And thereâs not even going to be any voting for the king, the king has already been appointed and approved and his name is Jesus.
We saw that not only did Jesus himself proclaim this message but the forerunner who went before him, John the Baptist, proclaimed the same message. Their words were identical: repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand. We saw how Jesus proclaimed this message and also demonstrated it. He demonstrated it very specifically in the healing of all sickness, the deliverance of all who were oppressed and the driving out of evil spirits. These really cannot be disassociated from the good news of the kingdom. They are the evidence that the kingdom has come.
Also, to view it from the other point of view, I believe more and more that if we really desire to see the sick healed and the oppressed delivered, itâs got to be in terms of the good news of the kingdom. Weâve got to bring the message that God desires to confirm supernaturally.
In our second study, the last one yesterday, we had got to a very crucial point in Matthew 12, and weâre going to read that again beginning at verse 22. A man was brought to Jesus who was mute; he couldnât speak, he was blind; he couldnât see. And Jesus dealt with this as the result of an evil spirit in the man. He didnât deal with it as a physical problem but as a spiritual problem. And his remedy was to cast out the evil spirit out of the man and when the evil spirit went out the man could both speak and see. The common people said could this really be the son of David, the Messiah? And that upset the Pharisees and they began to criticize Jesus and they began to suggest that his success in dealing with evil spirits was due to the fact that he was in league with Satan. Now Jesus knew what they were thinking and he met them with this reply.
âBut Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. And if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself, how then will his kingdom stand?â
Notice that Jesus very clearly states that Satan has a kingdom and itâs an undivided kingdom. He is in supreme and absolute control of his kingdom.
âAnd if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore, they shall be your judges. But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.â
That, I believe, is a turning point, that verse. That incident brought out into the open the existence of two invisible, spiritual kingdoms: the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. It brought out the fact that there is total opposition between these two kingdoms. Where one prevails the other must yield. And in particular, the fact that Jesus was able to drive out evil spirits by his God given authority demonstrated two things. The kingdom of God had come into that situation and that the kingdom of God was more powerful than the kingdom of Satan.
Now this is a very interesting turning point in the ministry of Jesus. If you analyze Matthewâs gospel youâll find that basically, up to this point, Jesus had been popular, he had been acclaimed, vast multitudes had followed him, many had suggested that he really was the Messiah. But from this point onwards the opposition builds, the hatred grows, the plans multiply. Ultimately, all that ends in his betrayal and crucifixion. I believe that this is a very significant turning point because it underscores the lesson that Satan will do as much harm as he can to anybody at any time. He opposes any kind of goodness. But the thing that he is really concerned about is maintaining his kingdom. When his kingdom is threatened then he will react and respond with all the wickedness, all the malice, all the power that he has at his command. I think itâs important for us to understand this in the service of the Lord. Satan regrets every soul that he loses, every soul that is saved. He would oppose the opening of any church that really presents the truth and proclaims Jesus. But, an infinite number of souls can be saved and his kingdom still stands. Endless churches can be opened and his kingdom still stands. But when we get into an area where we actually threaten the continuing existence of his kingdom, then he will do everything he can. The opposition will be just almost unbelievable because his one supreme aim is not to give up his kingdom.
I have to say honestly I think a lot of Christian activity doesnât really threaten Satanâs kingdom the least bit. It could go on for centuries and his kingdom would still stand. Let anyone get a vision of what it will take to overthrow his kingdom and believe me, the opposition will be on a totally different scale. It will be something astonishing. If you are out to assail Satanâs kingdom you had better be prepared for kinds of opposition and attack that the average Christian doesnât have to face.
Now I would just like to give you some beautiful scriptures about the power of the kingdom that Jesus proclaimed. Thereâs just two scriptures I love. 1 Corinthians 4:20. I donât have to turn there because itâs written on my heart.
âFor the kingdom of God is not in words, but in power.â
How important that we understand that! It isnât a matter of theology. It isnât even a matter of doctrine. Doctrine is important but you can have all the doctrine in the world and all the theology without the kingdom. The kingdom is in power as I believe the scripture clearly indicates, and maybe later on weâll go into that in more greater detail. The ultimate conflict as this age closes is not between doctrines or theologies, itâs between powers. Satan is certainly building his power. It remains to be seen whether the church is availing itself of Godâs power. But itâs not going to be a clash of theologies.
For me, the picture is Moses coming to Pharaohâs court with a message from the Lord to deliver Israel. Pharaoh was somewhat cynical. He said, âWho is the Lord? How do I know this message is from him?â And the Lord told Moses to do what he had practiced in the desertâand incidentally, itâs a good thing to have a little private practice about some things. When I got into the ministry of public deliverance I was so glad I had just a little private practice beforehand.
The Lord said, âThrow your rod down.â He threw his rod down and it became a snake. You would have thought that would have convinced Pharaoh but it didnât. He said to his magicians, âWhat can you people do?â They said, âWe can do the same.â They threw their rods down and they became snakes. You read that, itâs very clear. Satan has supernatural power. But there was one difference. You know what it was? Moses snake ate up the snakes of the Egyptians. I donât know whether youâve ever pictured the close of that situation but Moses walked away with a rod that was thicker and stronger than it had ever been before and the magicians had no rods left!
However, that wasnât the end. Pharaoh said, âMy magicians can do what you do. What else can you do?â
He said, âI can turn water into blood.â He did.
Pharaoh turned to his magicians and said, âWhat can you people do?â
They said, âWe can do the same.â They did.
Pharaoh said to Moses, âWhat next?â
He said, âI can bring up the frogs out of the river.â And he did.
Pharaoh turned to his magicians, âWhat about you people?â âWe can do the same.â They did. The first three supernatural miracles that Moses performed the magicians could perform also. Then Moses turned the dust on the bodies of the Egyptians into lice. The magicians tried to do the same and they couldnât. They said, âThis is the finger of God.â You understand, they were pragmatic. They said, âThis is on a higher level than our magic can achieve.â They werenât going to bow to anything that wasnât more powerful than what they had. Why should they?
Let me give you a scripture, I didnât intend to turn there. Itâs in 2Timothy 3. This tells us that the beginning, in the first verse:
âKnow this, that in the last days perilous times will come. [Then it says] Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money [and finally] lovers of pleasure.â
It lists the overall degeneration of human character that will mark the close of this age, most of which we see very manifestly in contemporary culture. But then it goes on in verse 8:
âNow as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses [apparently those were the names of the Egyptian magicians.] so these also [the practitioners of the occult] resist the truth. Men with corrupt minds disapproved concerning the faith. But they will progress no further for their folly will be made manifest to all as theirs.â
Thatâs the folly of the Egyptian magicians was manifest. So you understand that this age is going to close not with theological argument but with the demonstration of supernatural power. And the people of God have got to come out with a power that is greater than that of the practitioners of the occult. And dear brothers and sisters, at this moment most of Godâs people donât have any supernatural power at all let along power thatâs greater than that of the practitioners of Satan. So thatâs one principle. Letâs hold on to it.
Our brother would talk humbly about confessing his pride. I think if we measure ourselves by some passages of scripture we wonât have much pride left, you know! I think the problem is weâre measuring ourselves by something that isnât realistic. The kingdom of God is not in word but in power. Letâs not start boasting till weâve got something to boast about. Itâs not just words, itâs not just doctrine. Itâs not just a ritual or a ceremony or a performance. Itâs power that makes the difference.
Then thereâs a scripture that I love in Ecclesiastes. How many of you spend a lot of time in Ecclesiastes? Iâm not sure I would recommend too much time but itâs a rewarding book in many ways. Ecclesiastes 8:4:
âWhere the word of a king is there is power. And who may say to him what are you doing?â
So this is the word of a king. This is the message of a kingdom. There is power with it. And who can withstand it? Thatâs the proclamation we have, thatâs the message.
Going on into the book of Acts for a moment, just to get a kind of overall picture of the presentation of Jesus and the early disciples. Into Acts 17, I want to read a passage there. Itâs something that happened in the city of Thessalonica. Paul had been into the synagogue and preached and there had been a response. But when there was a response from Gentiles to the message then the Jews became envious and stirred up trouble and started a riot. And this is what then happened. Acts 17:5.
âBut the Jews who were not persuaded, becoming envious, took some of the evil men from the marketplace and gathering a mob set all the city in an uproar and attacked the house of Jason and sought to bring them out to the people. [âThemâ was Paul and Silas.] But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city crying out, âThese who have turned the world upside down have come here too.ââ
Would they be saying that about you and me? That we have turned the world upside down? What does the NIV say? Who has got an NIV? âThese who have caused trouble all over the world have come here also.â Would you regard that as a compliment? Are you worthy of the compliment? Does anybody even know youâre there? I remember a fellow missionary in East Africa years ago planned to open a church in a new city and I heard him say that he was a Canadian. He said, âLetâs make them mad or letâs make them glad, but letâs let them know weâre there.â And those are my sentiments. Let them be mad or glad but let them know weâre there. The worst thing that can happen is to be ignored.
We havenât finished this passage.
âThese who have turned the world upside down [or stirred up trouble all over the world] have come here too. Jason has harbored [or welcomed] them. And these are all acting contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying there is another king, Jesus.â
Now that was their impression of the message that the apostles had brought. They didnât talk about forgiveness of sins or salvation or eternal life. What they got out of the message is thereâs another king.
It wasnât a complete summation of the message, but what our critics have to say about us is very significant. You see? Most (quote) gospel preachers who would go into any city and preach the gospel today, their critics wouldnât even think of saying bad about them. It isnât in the message. I want to try to point out to you how different the message was. It was a message of a king. And youâll find that the early Christians never apologized for their message. They never had the attitude, âWell, weâre a small minority and these people could eat us up.â They always had the attitude, âWeâre representing an omnipotent king. We are his ambassadors. Weâve come with his message.â And it made an impact. Itâs stirred things up. The status quo, the existing authorities, will usually be very disturbed when you say thereâs another authority, a higher authority, a more powerful king. Just as Herod was when the news first came: the king of the Jews has been born.
Then I would like to point out to youâand this is a scripture Iâll return to again and againâthat Jesus made provision for his servants to go on proclaiming this message right through to the end of the present age. In Matthew 24:3 is disciples asked him:
âWhat will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?â
If you study his answer in the verses that follow, he gives a number of signs that he hasnât answered the question because the question was, What will be THE sign? But when he gets to verse 14 he answers a specific question with a specific answer.
âThis gospel of the kingdom...â
Notice he says let it never be changed, let it never be watered down, let there be no adjustment. Itâs the same good news of the kingdom.
â...will be proclaimed in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.â
What is THE sign of the end of the age? The proclaiming of the good news of the kingdom in all the world to all the nations. Thatâs right to the end of the age. I want you to see that Jesus never anticipated that the message would be changed or watered down or edited out. Itâs always the same message, the good news of the kingdom of God, that God is going to take over the government of the human race.
And in the light of that, what should people do? Whatâs the key word? Repent.
Now we come to one of the great tragedies of history. The tragedy of Israel. We have to understand as I pointed out but I will just return to that for a moment, the first offer of the kingdom was exclusively to Israel. It wasnât offered to any other nation or any other group of people. Because Israel was the nation that God had brought into being to become the kingdom nation. If you turn to Matthew 4 where we read before but weâll go back because itâs important we see it. Matthew 4:12â13. This is the beginning of the proclamation.
Now when Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, He departed to Galilee. And leaving Nazareth, He came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zebulun and Naphthali: [verse 17:] From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, âRepent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.â
To whom was he speaking? To the Jewish people. He was a Jew speaking to Jews about a promise that had been given to the Jews. It had not been given to any other nation up to that time.
And then when he sent his first disciples outâweâve looked at this but weâll look again in Matthew 10âthese were his instructions. Verses 5â7.
âThese twelve Jesus sent out and commanded them saying, Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and into a city of the Samaritans, do not enter.â
Donât take the message there, itâs not for them.
âBut go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and as you go preach saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.â
To whom was the kingdom offered exclusively? To Israel. Letâs see that. It doesnât suit Gentile pride always to acknowledge that fact. But the first initial offer was solely to the Jewish people.
Now, what happened? The Jewish people made the greatest mistake any nation has ever made in history. What did they do? They rejected the king. They still wanted the kingdom, bear that in mind, but they rejected the king. But brothers and sisters, when you reject the king, whether youâre Jew or Gentile, you cannot have the kingdom. There is no kingdom without the king.
Letâs look at this tragic incident in John 19:14â16. This is the scene where Pilate has been trying Jesus to ascertain if heâs guilty of the charges against him. Heâs come to the conclusion that heâs not guilty and he doesnât want to be responsible for his condemnation and death. So he brings him out to the Jewish people and this is what he says:
âNow it was the preparation day of the Passover, and about the sixth hour [thatâs midday]. And he said to the Jews, Behold your king.â
Thereâs a certain irony in the fact that it had to be a Gentile to tell them who he was. And of course, they were not glad to hear that news, least of all, from a Gentile.
âBut they cried out, Away with him, away with him. Crucify him. Pilate said to them, Shall I crucify your king?â
Notice how very clear he made the issue.
âThe chief priest answered, We have no king but Caesar. So they delivered him to them to be crucified.â
If you know the Orthodox Jewish mind at all, that was one of the most amazing statements, âWe have no king but Caesar.â It was contrary to everything they really stood for. But in the heat of malice and hatred and jealousy they settled their destiny. Do you realize that? They rejected their own king and they said we have no king but Caesar. You know that Caesar is the word that gives us in German Kaiser. It stands for the emperors of this world. And for nineteen centuries and more, Gentile emperors have oppressed and persecuted and despised the Jewish people. Culminating, in a certain sense, in Adolf Hitler. If youâre a little aware of the backgroundâI happen to have been a philosopherâthere was a book of philosophy written by a man named ?Auschwatz Spengler? called the Decline of the West. His theme was western civilization was all corrupt and going down. He said we need a new Caesar. That philosophy really brought forth Hitler and Hitler was the Caesar placed over the Jewish people. We donât really need to go into all the horrible details of that history.
The other thing they did was they made a choice. Pilate said, âWhom shall I release to you? Jesus or Barabbas?â Now Barabbas was a revolutionary, a violent man. They chose Barabbas. Iâm telling you this because I want you to see what we choose is what we get. They rejected the king of God and the kingdom of God, they said we have no king but Caesar, the Gentile emperors of this world and in place of Jesus, a man of peace, they chose Barabbas, a man of violence. And in essence, you could sum up Jewish history by saying the Caesars have put the Barabbases over the Jewish people for nineteen centuries. What a solemn thought.
Now my purpose is not so much to focus on Israel at this time but itâs to seek to convince every one of you, myself included, that when we make decisions in the light of God we get what we choose. If we reject, we have settled our destiny.
Now Jesus had already predicted this before his death. If youâll turn to Matthew 21. This is a discussion between Jesus and the religious leaders. Matthew 21:42â43.
âJesus said to them, [the religious leaders] Did you ever read in the scriptures the stone which the builder rejected has become the chief cornerstone? [That refers, of course, to himself.] This is the Lordâs doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. Therefore I say to you the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it.â
That was a prediction of what was to happen. Because Israel rejected the king and therefore the kingdom, the offer was taken from them and was given to any nation bringing forth the fruit of the kingdom. Whatâs the essence of having the kingdom? Whatâs the acid test? The fruit. Itâs not enough to say, you have to produce the fruit.
So right at the end of Matthewâs gospel, just before his ascension, Jesus gave them their new orders in the light of what Israel had opened up. You see, Paul says in Romans 11, the fall of Israel was the riches of the Gentiles. Because Israel rejected, the offer was extended to all other nations. Reading in Matthew 28:18â20:
âThen Jesus came and spoke to them saying, All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age.â
Notice these instructions are to continue to the end of this present age. And they were instructed to go out to all nations and make disciples of them, bringing them into the kingdom of God.
Now, together with that I would like you to turn for a moment to 1Peter 2:9 just to clarify this matter of the use of the word nation. Jesus said the kingdom will be given to a nation that produces the fruit. And there are those who have suggested that this is some specific Gentile nation such as Great Britain or the United States, Scandinavia and so on. The name of that teaching traditionally has been British Israel. Iâm not here to attack that teaching, I just want to disassociate myself from it and say this is not what I am saying. If you look in 1Peter 2:9 you see Peter writing to believers in Jesus.
âYou are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, his own special people.â
So I believe the nation to whom the kingdom of God has been transferred is the believing nation, the nation which is the church. Remember, the church is, amongst other things, a nation.
Now, for this reason the age cannot close until all nations have been presented with the good news. Once Israel turned it down then God decreed it must be offered to all nations. So no matter how much we preach the gospel in America or Canada or South Africa or New Zealand or Australia, we are not bringing the kingdom of God one fraction nearer until we reach the nations that have not heard it. The age cannot close. The devil will oppose any kind of evangelistic ministry but it doesnât matter how much you do in the streets of Sydney or Auckland or London or Boston, youâre not going to bring the age any nearer its end. It cannot close until Godâs decree has been fulfilled that all nations must hear. The moment you start to bring the gospel to a nation that hasnât heard, believe me, all hell will break loose. So, Satan sees his kingdom being threatened.
Matthew 24:14, before we close this series of teachings, youâre going to know that verse, this gospel of the kingdomâletâs put it in modern English.
âThis good news of the Kingdom will be proclaimed in all the world for a witness to all nations and then the end will come.â
But not before. I love the word proclaim. God has called me to be a teacher of the scriptures very specifically. Teaching is expounding and explaining. But in the last few years, maybe 7 or 8 years, God has given me a passionate desire to proclaim the gospel. I think thatâs why heâs given me my radio ministry. As a young preacher I used to believe I had to explain the gospel to everybody. Because of my philosophic background I thought it had to be explained. You know what I discovered? You canât explain the gospel. The only person who can explain the gospel is the Holy Spirit. Our job is to proclaim it. Itâs his job to explain it. But if we donât proclaim it, he has nothing to explain. I am 101 percent in favor of proclaiming the good news to all nations. I have to thank Godâyouâre probably aware, most of you, that my five-day-a-week Bible teaching ministry is now reaching the whole of Communist China in Mandarin Chinese. I think because God saw my heart that I wanted this proclamation to reach all nations. If you donât reach the Chinese youâre simply deceiving yourself if you think youâre reaching the world. One in every four persons is Chinese. One out of every three unreached persons on earth today is Chinese. We can be as busy as we like about all sorts of things, but if we ignore China weâll never bring about the end of the age. It has to happen. Of course, you know the problem with some Christians is they really donât believe the age is ever going to end. And some of them donât want it to end! I believe itâs not going to last much longer. Thatâs my personal opinion. Iâm not teaching that as a doctrine. Iâll be happy when it ends because it will end uncountable suffering by uncountable millions.
Acts 1:6â8. This is a final conversation between Jesus and his apostles just before he ascended. I think these are the last words he ever spoke on earth.
âTherefore, when they had come together they [the disciples] asked him saying, Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?â
They had a one track mind. All they were still concerned about was the kingdom. Why? Because thatâs what Jesus had taught. They got the message, their timing was wrong. Some people say the kingdom will never be restored to Israel. I think if that were so Jesus would have said that. He would have said, âNo, youâre completely mistaken. Israel has forfeited the kingdom, theyâll never be restored.â But he didnât. He said it isnât the time. He said something else has got to happen first. And it isnât up to you to know the time of the restoration of the kingdom to Israel. But, in the meanwhile, you have a job to do. So he said:
âIt is not for you to know the times or seasons which the Father put in his own authority. But [whatâs your job?] you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.â
So whatâs the job that he gave them? To testify to the kingdom of God in every area of the earth, starting in Jerusalem and going as far as Christchurch, New Zealand, which is basically the outermost part of the earth so far as the inhabited earth is concerned. Ruth and I on this present journey started in Jerusalem and we got to Christchurch. We really had a good biblical basis for what we were doing. But unfortunately there has been a lot of areas missed out between Jerusalem and Christchurch. You see, the message is once Israel refused, then in Godâs eternal counsel every other nation on earth had to be presented with the offer. And the age cannot close until that has been done.
The Lord talked to us this morning before I began to teach about sharing his heart. I think this, as clearly as anything in the Bible, indicates the heart of the Lord. What were the last words they heard from his lips? The ends of the earth, the ends of the earth. Thatâs where he was concerned. They didnât understand it for a long while. It took a long while for them really to absorb this message. But that was the Lordâs concern and I personally believe that if you will allow the Lord to put his concerns in your heart you will be concerned about all nations and every area of the earth until ever nation has heard.
Now I have a special call on my life to the Jewish people but I donât believe in anyone being called to the Jews who isnât passionately concerned for all nations. I tell you the other side of it is if youâre called to the nations you better be concerned about the Jews too. It will make a lot of difference to your ministry.
The kingdom that is now being proclaimed into which all nations are being invited is not an external visible kingdom. I think we understand that. It doesnât have an earthly capital. Its capital is not Rome nor Springfield, Missouri, nor even Jerusalem. Itâs an inward kingdom. Letâs look in Luke 17. It does have a capital, do you know where its capital is? The capital is in heaven. Its capital is where its head is. You canât a head in one place and a capital in another. Luke 17:20â21.
âNow when he [Jesus] was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God does not come with observation.â
The NIV says the kingdom of God does not come visibly. Itâs not something that youâll observe coming.
â...nor will they say see here or see there, for indeed the kingdom of God is within you [or among you].â
And I believe both are appropriate. The kingdom now that weâre talking about is not an external kingdom with an earthly capital and an earthly government. Its capital I believe is in heaven and its government is in heaven. If you are asked where your headquarters are, the answer is they should be where your head is. I canât understand that anybody can have headquarters in one place and head in another. And I donât believe our head is inactive or simply retired. I believe heâs very active and I believe thatâs where we should get our direction from.
But, the kingdom that we have is within us or among us. I like the word among as well because itâs not merely in me individually but itâs in our relationships with one another. Where we come together in the Spirit of God, the kingdom of God is among us.
We need to also consider for a moment how you get into the kingdom. I think the clearest single statement is in Colossians 1:12â14.
âGiving thanks to the Father [itâs in the middle of a sentence, but that doesnât matter] who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.â
That, in itself, is good news, isnât it? God has qualified us. We are not inadequate, we are not incapable, God has qualified us. Do not talk about being unqualified or incapable because thatâs a denial of what God has done. God has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. Itâs in the light, thereâs no darkness in it whatever.
âHe [God] has delivered us from the power of darkness.â
Where were we? We were in the power of darkness. The Greek word is exousia, which is normally translated authority. One thing you have to know is that Satan has God given authority. If you donât understand that youâll be confused about a lot of things. Satan has a kingdom. Itâs a kingdom of darkness. I think one of the translations is God has delivered us from the domain of darkness.
âAnd translated us [or transferred us or carried us over] into the kingdom of the Son of his love.â
We were all in the domain of darkness, the kingdom of Satan, but by a supernatural intervention God delivered us from the domain of darkness and carried us over into another kingdom. The kingdom of the Son of his love.
âIn whom we have redemption.â
Whatâs the decisive word there? Redemption. We are redeemed out of one kingdom and carried over into another kingdom. Itâs redemption that takes us out of Satanâs kingdom and into the kingdom of God.
You will find also that the New Testament speaks about this as a birth. And later in my teaching if God wills and we live, and I keep my mind on the track, weâll see that there is no way into the kingdom but by a birth. Whether itâs an individual, a nation, humanity or all creation, the way into the kingdom is by a birth. But here the term weâre using is redemption. You know what to redeem means? It means to buy back. We were slaves, exposed in Satanâs slave market for sale. This is such a vivid picture, I must give it to you. Paul says I am carnal, sold unto sin. Because in Latin, in the Roman culture of the day, to sell somebody as a slave was to sell them under a spear. They stood on a block, there was a spear stretched out over their head and when you saw the person standing on the block with the spear over his head you knew he was being sold as a slave. Paul says, âMy sin is the spear over my head which has caused me to be sold as a slave in the slave market.â So there we were, all of us. But one day Jesus walked into the market and said, âIâll buy them.â Whatâs the price we are redeemed with? The blood of Jesus. So we were bought out of Satanâs kingdom, brought into Godâs kingdom. You know thatâs such a picture because in slavery the slave has no auction as to what job heâll perform. One woman may be made a cook, another woman may be made a prostitute. Itâs not her choice. Itâs the slave ownerâs choice. Thatâs how we were. You may have been a respectable slave but youâre no better than the ones that werenât so respectable, you understand? We were all slaves. Donât you despise the prostitutes and the alcoholics and people like that. It was the slave ownerâs decision that made them what they were, not theirs. So we have been bought back, what good news.
I was speaking to a group of Maoris in New Zealand recently and I told them this little story which to me is so vivid. The Maoris are great carvers of wood so I thought it was appropriate for them. There was a boy who lived in a town on the seaside and he was a very clever carver. He carved himself a little wooden boat and he put sails on it and it really sailed. Then he took it down one day to the shore and he was sailing it on the edge of the sea but the tide and the wind changed and carried his boat out to sea and he couldnât recover it. So he went home without his boat. Well, the next tide and the change of wind brought the boat back again. And a man walking along the seashore found the boat, picked it up and saw it was a beautiful piece of work, took it to a local shop in the town and sold it to the man in the shop. The shop owner cleaned it up, put it in his shop window and put a price on it. Letâs say $35, whatever you want to say.
A little while later the boy walking past the shop looked into the window and he saw his boat and he knew immediately it was his boat. He saw the price on it. And he knew that he had no way to prove that it was his boat, you understand? So if he wanted his boat back there was only one thing he could do which was buy it back.
So he set to work to earn $35. He did all sorts of things, he watched cars, he mowed lawns and so on. One day he got together $35, he walked into the shop and he said to the shopkeeper, âNow you see that boat in the window, I want to buy it.â And the man said itâs $35. He said, âHereâs $35.â So when he got the boat in his hands he walked outside the shop and then he stopped on the sidewalk and he held the boat to his breast and he said, âNow youâre mine. I made you and I bought you.â Thatâs redemption.
First of all, the Lord made us but we got sold in Satanâs slave market. Then he bought us. Now we are doubly his. Can you see how valuable you are to the Lord? As we close this session Iâd like you to think of yourself as that boat for a moment. You may feel so inadequate, so worthless, you wonder whether God ever really cares. Just try to believe that youâre that boat in that boyâs arms. But itâs the Lordâs arms and heâs saying to you, âNow youâre mine, I made you and I bought you. I own you, youâre fully mine.â Amen, may God bless you.
This teaching includes both a free sermon outline and transcript to download for personal use, message preparation or Bible study discussion.