The enemies we face are not flesh and blood, but are invisible spirit beings of darkness. Learn how to identify them and overcome evil.
(Chronological order)
Derek Prince: In this probing four-part series, Derek Prince exposes the origin, structure and operation of the kingdom of darkness—and presents the keys to overcoming it victoriously.
In this probing four-part series, Derek Prince exposes the origin, structure and operation of the kingdom of darkness—and presents the keys to overcoming it victoriously.
Where Are We In Bible Prophecy?
Bible prophecy reveals much concerning the end of the age. The "secret things" remain hidden, but it is our responsibility to study and to act on the "revealed things." This assures our preservation and ultimate victory.
A compelling teaching that addresses the crucial need for unity within the body of Christ. With biblical foundations and practical insights, this sermon inspires believers to pursue unity, fostering greater love, cooperation, and effectiveness in the Church.
True and False Church
Two opposing religions are coming to fulfilment in our time. Abel's produces a martyr and a bride; Cain's produces a murderer and a harlot.