What does the Bible say about the end times? Equip yourself for what lies ahead with this insightful series on biblical prophecy.
(Chronological order)
Are you perplexed or fearful as you contemplate the chaotic, threatening world around us? This series on biblical prophecy will equip you for all that lies ahead.
Exercising Spiritual Gifts
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are intended to build up the church. In this three-part series, Derek Prince offers insight into how to receive the power of the Holy Spirit and exercise these gifts with wisdom and responsibility.
The Good News Of The Kingdom (Volume 2)
Explore the powerful exchange of 'Curse vs Blessing' in Derek Prince's insightful sermon from the series 'Atonement', Part 7. Through the Cross, Christ became a curse for us, transforming our curse into the blessing promised to Abraham, as outlined in Galatians 3:13-14. Discover how embracing this truth can lead to receiving the fullness of God's blessings.