Outreach to the Unreached

Reaching the unreached with Derek's teachings: spreading the Gospel where it's needed most, transforming lives worldwide.

What do we do?

Reaching the unreached is at the heart of Derek Prince Ministries. This pillar reflects our commitment to spreading the Gospel to those who have limited or no access to biblical teachings. Initiatives like the Global Outreach Program (GO) have been instrumental in providing free Bible teaching materials to leaders in third-world countries and regions behind the Iron Curtain. By targeting areas with severe spiritual and economic deprivation, we ensure that the life-changing message of Jesus Christ reaches those who need it most.

The importance of this pillar is evident in the remarkable stories of impact, like the widespread distribution of teaching materials in Ethiopia and Nigeria, where Derek Prince's teachings have been broadcasted in train stations and translated into local languages. By focusing on the unreached, we fulfill the Great Commission, bringing hope, education, and spiritual growth to remote and underserved communities. This pillar is essential for expanding the Kingdom of God and ensuring that no corner of the world is left without the light of the Gospel, fulfilling our Christian mission to reach every soul with the message of salvation.

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What We Do

Learn more about where we impact lives and communities through Christ-centered outreach initiatives.

Evangelist Training

Derek Prince Ministries trains and supports pastors, students, and evangelists, spreading Jesus' message to strengthen faith in challenging regions.

Orphan Care

Derek Prince Ministries' Orphan Care provides vital aid and spiritual support to children in war zones, sharing Jesus' love and hope with the most vulnerable.

Refugee Care

Derek Prince Ministries' Refugee Care outreach shares Jesus' love and hope, providing practical aid and spiritual nourishment to displaced communities.

Prison Ministry

Derek Prince Ministries transforms lives behind bars, offering Bible teachings and discipleship in Jesus Christ to inmates worldwide, nurturing faith and hope.

First Responders

Derek Prince Ministries supports military personnel, police, and first responders worldwide, providing spiritual resilience and unwavering faith through Bible teachings.

Church Planting

Derek Prince Ministries partners with local leaders to equip and inspire Christians facing persecution, focusing on teaching, discipleship, and faith.

Remote Outreach

Navigating harsh terrains, Derek Prince Ministries' Remote Outreach delivers essential spiritual and practical support to isolated communities.

The Heart Behind the Mission

A portrait of Derek Prince in black and white.

"We cannot just simply hope that things will get better. We have to move ahead of the devil, we have to get into places where he’s seeking to gain control before he gains control. We have to plan new strategies, new ways of approach. We have not to wait for the standard missionary approach because, believe me, that is passing. It’s almost out of date in many countries." (Derek Prince)

Support the Mission

Your support today will equip Derek Prince Ministries with the resources to develop innovative strategies, better reach those in need, and help believers worldwide stay strong in the spiritual battle.

We invite you to join us as we pray for our Global Outreach Pillar: Outreach to the Unreached
Ask God to expand our prison ministry, as new contacts are eager to receive Derek’s teachings. A chaplain recently shared how the Teaching Letters powerfully impacted prisoners—pray for even more to be transformed behind bars.
Pray for wisdom and direction as we expand this outreach, especially in France, where access to chaplains is highly restricted—only available when prisoners specifically request it.
Pray for the expansion of our efforts in prison ministry; for godly contacts and open doors as we bring Biblical foundations to those searching for hope and a fresh start.
Pray that we continue to hear from the Lord in how DPM Canada can bless the people of Canada, including the Indigenous communities.
We are excited for all that God is going to do in 2025, as we continue to plant seeds across Canada. Ask that God would bring a reaping season.
Four MET-graduation services (Missions Exposure and Training) are planned this year, for 20-30 French-speaking pastors from Congo and other African nations. Pray for provision and impact as they receive French Gift Packs.
Please pray for full provision of finances for the vehicles as funding is not currently available. Essential equipment and teaching resources are also transported in the vehicle.
Pray that we will be able to send more of Derek’s material to Udo Wahl’s ten Bible schools so that many young leaders can be well-trained through Derek’s Bible teaching.
For the first time, director Huy and his team will hold an outreach in a floating village for about 200 villagers. Pray for good weather so it can take place, for God’s protection and anointing, and for many to come to Christ.
The Lord opened the door to work with Assemblies of God churches in Egypt to hold youth conferences and give teaching based on Derek’s books. Pray that this partnership will grow and bear fruit.
Thank you for praying for our outreaches!
People joined in prayer this month:

    Explore Other Pillars

    Discover the foundational principles that shape our mission and initiatives.

    Global Translation of Derek Prince's Teachings

    Transforming lives globally with Derek’s teachings in 100+ languages, proclaiming the life-giving Gospel to every tribe and nation.

    Discipleship and Leadership Training

    Empowering pastors worldwide with Derek's teachings, focusing on spiritually dark nations and those hungering for biblical truth.

    Media and Digital Outreach

    Broadcasting Derek's biblical teachings worldwide, spreading Christ’s love and touching millions through media.

    Bible Teaching and Education

    Empowering Christians globally with Derek's solid Bible teaching, impacting millions through books, digital resources, and programs in 100+ languages.