Mission and Impact
The impact of Derek Prince's teachings is evident in the testimonies of individuals received whose lives are impacted by "Blessing or Curse, You Can Choose" in particular.
In 2012, a new initiative was launched by appointing Tich Ruzane as the country coordinator. Tich has played a key role in introducing Derek Prince’s teachings to pastors and leaders, resulting in book translations into Shona and Tonga, with plans for future translations into Ndebele. Derek Prince Ministries' presence in Zimbabwe has brought hope to believers in both urban and rural areas.
Derek Prince Ministries Zimbabwe is delighted and grateful for the opportunities in expanding the reach and sharing the Word of God. Distributing thousands of Derek Prince books in Shona to prison inmates. Over a hundred prisoners accepted Christ into their lives. Seminars and translation projects continue to impact Zimbabwe.
Ten booklets from the "Foundational Truth" series have been translated into Shona, and five into Tonga. Other titles have been translated into both Shona and Tonga such as "What's So Important About The Cross", "Divine Exchange" and "Passing From Curse To Blessing".
Local Presence
Outreach Office