It’s one thing to be a pastor in India, but it’s quite another to be able to teach your congregation the full gospel and sound doctrine. Pastors and Christian leaders in India often lack good biblical training and access to Christian resources, making this aspect of their role a challenge. This is why the mission of Derek Prince Ministries in India is so crucial.
"The local church is the central point in the whole New Testament plan for scriptural instruction, and no other institution can ever usurp the local church’s function." (Derek Prince - Laying The Foundations)
Leading this effort across India, Elsie and Danny Daniel are dedicated to taking the truth of God's word to the millions of spiritually hungry. Their recent journey across Karnataka, in southwest India, saw them travel over 2,000 km, hosting 11 conferences in seven cities, reaching over 700 pastors and leaders in person and another 600 through live streams.
Taking Heed to Oneself: Bangalore, Tumakuru, and Davangere

Over 150 pastors gathered from Bangalore and surrounding cities, with some traveling up to 300 km. As Elsie and Danny shared Derek’s teachings, particularly on the necessity of nurturing one's spiritual life, the pastors' eagerness to learn underscored their recognition of this need. One of them, pastor Gatleen*, testified: “We talk so much about spiritual authority without actually knowing the depths of it. Today’s teaching on The Rod of God opened my eyes to see that when we use our God-given authority, we strip Satan of his power. It was truly a challenging and practical message.”
In Tumakuru, a first-time visit for Derek Prince Ministries, Elsie taught on The Divine Exchange, and the team saw firsthand the impact of Derek's teaching. Pastor Rohan*, the senior-most pastor in Tumakuru, shared, "Many Christians do not know to use the truths of the Word to claim their full inheritance in Christ. But today, through the teaching, they were given very simple but clear instructions on laying a claim to our inheritance. You have shown us today by your ministry not who you are but the God whom you serve, and we are so grateful for that. I can see only joy and gladness on the face of every pastor who came here today."
In Davangere, another pastor, Amit*, expressed, "I came with a lot of problems. Very often I would confess something but give it up very soon. Today I learned that I must hold on to my confession and not give it up until I see the victory. In spite of all my problems, I am going back today with the confidence that in Christ I have all the keys to victory."
Ensuring Doctrinal Soundness: Bellary
In his teaching, Take Heed to Yourselves, Derek Prince highlights several keys for effective ministry. One of them is the importance of sound doctrine. This principle was vividly illustrated in Bellary. Here, the conference witnessed significant spiritual breakthroughs, including notable deliverances and healings. One testimony came from Maria*, who said, "I have been so blessed today. The clarity on the subject of healing that we received was a great blessing. Life in abundance that Jesus has prepared for us has set me free from the fear of death. Truly encouraged and strengthened!"
"I have been to many conferences and meetings. I’ve been to Bible college as well. But I have never heard such an in-depth teaching of what happened on the cross. It was truly the experience of God’s Spirit and life filling us. This message should reach many, many more souls." (Pastor, Samuel*)
Walking in One’s Calling: Belgavi
Belgavi provided a powerful example of another key: walking in one’s calling. The significant increase in attendance compared to Derek Prince Ministries’ last visit in 2015 shows the hunger for sound teaching and the effectiveness of walking faithfully in one’s calling.

Many of the pastors brought their second level leaders, mostly women. They came from several different tribal groups - shepherd tribes, gypsy tribes, and many others - all saved from a non-Christian background and now nurturing 15 to 20 believers each. For many of them, this was the only seminar where they were not shunned but accepted and taught.
Pastor Sanjay* shared, "I have learned many lessons that will transform my ministry. The life that we have in Christ and how we are to receive it through Jesus have given me a new hope. God has strengthened me, and I am going forward with renewed energy in my ministry." Pastor Anil* from Sindhudurg added, "God has shown me a more excellent way through these teachings. I have learned extensively the way to victory. It has surely enhanced my understanding and helped me bounce back in my ministry."
The organizing pastor said this balanced doctrine was what they needed for a breakthrough in their regions. He passionately pleaded for more literature in Marathi - pointing out that there was very little Christian literature in that language. He also pleaded for a Konkani translation of Derek’s book Life-Changing Spiritual Power.
Practicing Thankfulness: Hubli
In Hubli, the principle of practicing thankfulness was brought to life. Elsie recalled: “Since this was a Saturday, the organizing pastor did not expect many participants, as pastors would be in preparation for their Sunday services. However, just minutes into the teaching, the hall was full and more people kept coming. Finally, there was no more room and people were seated on the floor and outside the hall. One hour into the meeting, we had to stop and move to a bigger hall so that the 150 plus pastors and leaders could be accommodated.”
The overwhelming attendance and the powerful session on Spiritual Warfare underscored the impact of a grateful heart. According to Derek’s teaching, thankfulness is a mark of being filled with the Holy Spirit.
The pastors' eagerness and the spiritual breakthroughs achieved during the conference were a reminder to the importance of a thankful and submissive attitude in ministry.
Sunita* noted, "We have heard so much about spiritual warfare. Often we pay more attention to the warfare and how it comes against us rather than focusing on the authority we have in Christ. That’s what the teaching helped me do today. We were taught what weapons we have and how to use them against the enemy kingdom. It was practical and gives us the confidence that we can apply it to our lives." Another attendee, Joseph*, expressed, "The teaching on the weapons of prayer, praise, preaching, and proclamation spoke to me personally, showing me what I needed to do in my circumstances. I thank God and Derek Prince Ministries for this wonderful opportunity of learning."
Resting in Inheritance: Dharwad
Finally, in Dharwad, the team experienced the profound truth of resting in our inheritance. Speaking to a congregation facing severe persecution, the message of perseverance and resting in God’s promises provided much-needed encouragement. At the end of the service, the pastor testified that the word was prophetic for the church and a word in due season.
Elsie reported: “We thank God for all His goodness, protecting us during the over 2,000 kilometers of travel by road, and for using us to minister to several hundred people, including in-person with these 700 pastors. Not just ministering the Word of God to them, but also setting people free from sickness and demonic bondage. Thank you all for praying and standing with us on this journey.”
This God-blessed journey across Karnataka reminds us of how God’s truth is universal and Derek’s teachings are so applicable, no matter where in the world they are taught. As we continue our mission of reaching the unreached and teaching the untaught across the globe, we remain committed to supporting and equipping dedicated servants of God, ensuring they have the resources and training needed to lead their congregations effectively.
For those interested in delving deeper into these transformative principles, we highly recommend Derek Prince’s two-part teaching series, Take Heed to Yourselves, and his inspiring Foundations Daily Devotional.
* For their safety, the names of all pastors in this article have been changed.