Africa Appeal

Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
Derek Prince Ministries
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South Africa
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If you have ever wondered how God is using Derek Prince’s teaching to turn hearts and minds to Him in different parts of Africa, please read Karen’s testimony below.

I hope this story will encourage you in your walk with the Lord. And may it inspire you to join forces with Karen to help others experience God’s goodness and faithfulness by supporting our outreach in Africa.  

This is Karen's story in her own words:

"I grew up in a Christian home. However, I believed the lie that I could find happiness on my own, that I didn’t need God. I lived this lie for 53 years of my life.  

On 14 January 2021, my heart was completely gripped by the grace of God. And at that moment, I knew I would never be the same again.

My hunger for the Word of God became very evident.  

We were in the middle of the Covid pandemic, and all churches were closed. So, I started searching for good sermons online and found some, but none fed my soul to satisfaction. I had an overwhelming desire to start helping in my community and to search for a church family. Seven months ago, I found such a church family. And there I was introduced to Derek Prince Ministries’ teaching at the cell group meeting on Wednesday evening.

What I noticed immediately about Derek’s teaching is that it provided practical solutions to many of the issues and questions that were raging through my mind.

I downloaded the Derek Prince Ministries app on my phone that night and have not stopped listening to his devotionals and radio broadcasts.  

Having worked through Derek Prince’s Atonement sermons I have now realised the full impact of what Jesus did for us. I have lived in the dark for so long, but now I can see God’s light starting to shine in my life!  

I am a single mother of two beautiful boys and I want to donate generously although I have only a small income, but I have been truly blessed by his teachings. My hope is that my contribution can help someone experience God’s goodness and the power of salvation offered through Christ."

If you have been moved in your heart by Karen's testimony, will you join her by making a special gift of £15 towards our outreach in Africa?

Yes, I will give today

Many people like Karen in different parts of Africa are searching for meaning and truth, they are hungry for God’s Word and open to receiving the Gospel of God’s Kingdom.

Our ardent desire is to serve them by continuing to make Derek’s life-changing Bible teaching available to them indifferent local languages, formats, and channels.

Your special gift of £15 or more to our Africa outreach today will enable us to continue to print and distribute books to believers and pastors in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, and Rwanda.

Thanks to your generosity, we can expand our ministry of WhatsApp Bible schools, radio programmes, online training and resources for Christians in South Sudan, eastern DRC, and Malawi.

The task is enormous. But we believe that God is able to make all grace abound to us to accomplish this great work for His glory (see 2 Corinthians 9:8).

Thank you in advance for whatever help you can provide.

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