Day 117: Checking the Message
Daily Devotional
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Think About This Series
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Day 117: Checking the Message

A portrait of Derek Prince in black and white
Daily Devotional: Think About This

By Derek Prince

Previous Day: Faith and Fighting

There are people today who are preaching a version of Jesus which is not Scriptural – what Paul calls another Jesus. So when we hear preaching about Jesus we need to check it with the Scriptures. And then there are people who quote a lot of Scripture but their motives are not pure. And we find though they quote a lot of Scripture and maybe talk a lot about Jesus, the Holy Spirit doesn’t rest upon it. The Holy Spirit in us doesn’t respond to that type of presentation. So we have to have all three coordinates, relate to them all. And when we have those three together in agreement then we know here is the truth. We can trust it, we can lay hold of it, we can walk in it.

Prayer Response

This quote is from the message titled What is Truth? by Derek Prince.
This quote is from the message titled What is Truth? by Derek Prince.
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Code: WD-TAT1-117-ENG
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