Day 80: Three Deceptive Presentations
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Day 80: Three Deceptive Presentations

A portrait of Derek Prince in black and white
Daily Devotional: Think About This

By Derek Prince

Previous Day: The Need for Security

Let me give you very briefly three deceptive presentations of Jesus. The first one is a sentimental Jesus – all love and no judgment. Jesus so strongly believed in the judgment of God that He died to save us from the judgment of God. A second false Jesus is a kind of Jesus with one foot in the occult, who’s got a lot of mystical answers. Jesus was very practical and He set a very definite standard of practical righteousness, purity and holiness. And then the third picture of Jesus that’s come today is a Marxist revolution, someone who’s got to storm the citadels of the strong and the wealthy and distribute their wealth to the poor. Somebody said about that Marxist version of Jesus, “It’s not a violent revolution we need, but a loving revelation.”

Prayer Response

This quote is from the message titled What is Truth? by Derek Prince.
This quote is from the message titled What is Truth? by Derek Prince.
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Code: WD-TAT1-080-ENG
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