Day 67: The Head or the Tail?
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Day 67: The Head or the Tail?

A portrait of Derek Prince in black and white
Daily Devotional: Think About This

By Derek Prince

Previous Day: His Workmanship

And then Moses said you’ll be the head and not the tail. I really sat down and reasoned with myself, “What’s the difference between the head and the tail?” And I came to this conclusion, the head makes the decisions, the tail just gets dragged around. It makes no decisions. Well I ask you, which way are you living? Are you in the decision-making part or are you in the part that just gets dragged around by circumstances and pressures and forces that you don’t control? One is to live like a king, the other is to live like a slave. And I really suggest to you there’s no middle ground. It’s got to be one or the other. We have invented so much middle ground in our thinking and in our church life which doesn’t exist in the Bible.

Prayer Response

This quote is from the message titled A Kingdom of Priests by Derek Prince.
This quote is from the message titled A Kingdom of Priests by Derek Prince.
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Code: WD-TAT1-067-ENG
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