Day 28: The Confirmation of the Peace of God in Our Heart
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Hearing God's Voice Series
Background for The Confirmation of the Peace of God in Our Heart
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Day 28: The Confirmation of the Peace of God in Our Heart

The third important kind of confirmation that we should look for when we believe we’ve heard God’s voice in our heart is God’s peace in our heart. God’s voice will always produce God’s peace. Let me read from Colossians 3:15-16:

“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”

The key phrase there is at the beginning, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.” That word that’s translated “rule” means to act as an arbiter or an umpire, to decide on certain things, whether they’re right or whether they’re wrong. The Amplified Bible has a very good rendering of that. It says this: Let the peace [soul harmony which comes] from Christ rule [act as umpire continually] in your hearts, deciding with finality all questions that arise in your minds...

Do you see what it’s saying? We have an inward umpire, an arbiter, one who decides questions that we cannot decide. What’s that umpire, that arbiter? It’s the peace of God. When the peace of God says “yes,” it’s right. But when the peace of God is not there, we need to be cautious. We need to say, “Well, God, if this is from You let there be peace in my heart.” But if there’s unrest and struggling, and particularly if you feel pressured to act hastily, then be on your guard because it would seem that God’s peace has been withdrawn. And God means by that, “You didn’t hear me right,” or “You’re not applying what I said right.”

You see, there are three factors combined in that passage that I’ve read. There’s God’s peace, there’s thankfulness, and there’s God’s Word in your heart. You want to keep those three together. God’s peace will be there if it’s the voice of God, and you’ll be filled with thankfulness. If it becomes an awful effort to thank God, if your praise dries up, then it’s probably not the Holy Spirit that’s moving in you. And then it says let the Word of Christ or the Word of God richly dwell within you. You’re checking it with the Scripture all the time.

Let me just recapitulate those three ways we should look for confirmation if we really think we’ve heard the voice of God. First of all, the voice of God always agrees with Scripture. The Holy Spirit is the author of Scripture. Secondly, there will be the confirmation of circumstance. In one way or another, things will work so that we will know that God is in this. And thirdly, we need God’s peace in our heart, God’s peace umpiring, arbitrating, saying, “Yes, this is right. No, that is wrong.” If we walk this way, it will be difficult to go wrong!

Prayer Response

Thank You Father for Your peace, that You’ll never lead me in confusion. Help me to trust You, when I do not receive Your peace, that You’re still in control, and that You will eventually lead me in the way You have designed for me. In Jesus’ Name, amen!

This quote is from the message titled by Derek Prince.
This quote is from the message titled by Derek Prince.
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