Day 5: God is in Control
Daily Devotional
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Surviving the Last Days without Fear Series
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Day 5: God is in Control

Revelation shows the things what will happen before the Lord Jesus returns. In Revelation 5 Jesus, the Lamb of God, is opening the seals that open up the future:

“Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.” (verse 1 -2)

The crown mentioned here is not a royal crown, but the wreath of one who has won a victory against opponents, like the gold medal in today’s Olympic games. It has become so vivid to me that the white horse is Jesus Christ riding out, taking the gospel through all the earth. He went out “conquering and to conquer”—He was undefeatable. There was no power on earth that could defeat Him.

Then other horses went out, horses that represent ethnic conflict, shortage and rationing, hunger and death. But remember that this horses were ordered from heaven. Their authority came from God, from the throne. They are not the result of things that happened on earth. It is important to remember that the initiative came from God. If you do not have a vision of the throne room of God and its power and its complete control, you run the risk of being very fearful, disheartened and discouraged by what lies ahead.

Reaching The Unreached

I am convinced that the white horse has to stay ahead of the other three horses. We must reach the world with the offer of mercy through the gospel before these terrible judgments fall on people. I have been privileged to see it happen in some cases. We had an intercessory team of about 25 people at the Moscow conference who came just to intercede. They went out into Red Square in the middle of Moscow and held a prayer meeting. As a crowd formed, one brother preached a very simple gospel message. When he finished, a young man ran up to him, threw his arms around his neck and said, “I’m a Muslim, and I never heard before that God loves me.” You are missing something if you are not involved in reaching the unreached.

Remember what Jesus said to the church, “I know your works; I know what you’re doing.” It is wonderful to praise the Lord, but that is only the beginning. Are you available?

Prayer Response

Lord God, you reign. You hold the future in your hand. Nothing in this world – no evil, no good – can ever happen without your involvement. You’re in control. I pray that this conviction will help me to defeat my fears, so that I can be free to reach out to others who don’t know you yet. Amen.

This quote is from the message titled by Derek Prince.
This quote is from the message titled by Derek Prince.
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