Day 2: Experience the Wonder
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Background for Experience The Wonder
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Day 2: Experience the Wonder

Previous Day: God With Us

Again, the Word is a title of Jesus. He is the one and only Son, the eternal, begotten Son. He is not created but begotten. He is eternal, of one nature and being with the Father Himself. As such, He, the Word, became flesh the incarnation and lived for a while among us. It was the eternal Word that came into human history as the little baby who was born in the manger at Bethlehem and who grew up to be the carpenter's son.


Jesus not only came once as a baby, but Scripture makes it clear He also is coming back again in power and in glory to judge and to reign. There is a vivid picture of His future coming in the book of Revelation. Once again, in this context, He is called the Word of God. John the Revelator says this:

“I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True [the rider is Jesus]. With justice, he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.” (Revelation 19:11 13)

So, there again is the Word in His glorious majesty, coming to judge and to reign, wearing many kingly crowns, dressed in a robe dipped in blood (which speaks of His sacrifice of Himself on the cross), and His name is the Word of God.

The Greek word 'logos', is translated as ‘Word’ in English versions of the Bible. It is a word that is used quite frequently today in various contexts. We need to understand a little about this term. A friend of mine is a Greek Orthodox priest whose native language is Greek. This friend gave me a lecture on the meaning of the word logos that I never forgot. He said, Logos isn't just a spoken word. Logos means mind, it means counsel, it means a whole understanding.

That is what Jesus is. He is the total mind and counsel of God. Everything God knows, everything God wants to say, everything God wants to do is all wrapped up in Jesus, the Word of God.

Prayer Response

Lord Jesus, in the Christmas Season we tend to focus on how You came as a child, a baby, to this world. But before You became flesh, You were in heaven, eternal, of one nature and being with the Father Himself. And You will come again to this world, in glorious majesty. When I think of these two things, the miracle of your birth fills me with even greater awe. Help me to see all Christmas festivities in the light of your eternal plan, and to praise You with all my heart.

This quote is from the message titled by Derek Prince.
This quote is from the message titled by Derek Prince.
Next Day: Son of God
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