
In many ways our outreach to Africa began well before the wider ministry was formally established in 1971. Some 14 years earlier, Derek and Lydia Prince responded to the call of God and migrated to Kenya, where they diligently served as missionaries for five years. During this time, their love for the local people grew and flourished, paving the way for today’s outreach and ardent Bible teaching efforts.

To this day, Derek Prince Ministries remains firmly committed to serving the people of Africa through practical faith initiatives that reach the unreached and teach the untaught.


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The Legacy Continues

While serving as a missionary in Africa from 1957, Derek was the principal of the Nyang’ori Teacher Training College near Kisumu, Kenya. During his tenure he wrote the Self-Study Bible Course in an effort to equip the local churches. To this day, it remains one of the most translated and printed books in the Derek Prince collection.

Buoyed by a sense of destiny, Derek preached the Gospel throughout the region, healing many and reconciling thousands to Jesus. In time, enrollments at the school doubled, and Lydia was teaching classes that ranged from home economics to religion.

The scene was set for many years of fruitful ministry which continued through local pastors like Wilson Mamboleo, Joseph Likavo, and Silas Owiti, who were original students of the school.

This theme continues today through our globally funded outreach to Africa. 

With a focus on discipleship, education, and grassroots support for churches, we’re training pastors and distributing Bible teaching resources in multiple languages. Our aim is to enhance spiritual literacy and activate believers for a life of purpose.

Serving Africa

Throughout the years Derek and Ruth Prince ministered together, they travelled extensively to Africa, visiting Ghana, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. An office was established in Pretoria, South Africa in 1984, and more offices followed, particularly in the last decade. 

Today, we have representatives in Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. 

Work is intensifying through prayer and the support of generous donations. There has been a renewed focus on collaboration, particularly among leaders and co-workers of the ministry. Our initial African Summit in 2022 provided the perfect forum for deeper coordination and strategic planning. 

A new day is dawning for Derek Prince Ministries in Africa and we’re excited for what the future holds.


The translation of Derek Prince teaching material into multiple languages has always been an essential task for the ministry. 

Popular books, such as They Shall Expel Demons, Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose, and Foundations for Life have been printed for local distribution in Swahili, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, and French. In addition, the translation of Derek Prince Teaching Letters now totals 19 African languages, and we continue to make this available online for free download.

Readers are so grateful to receive this material in their mother-tongue, particularly where Bible teaching is scarce. For many, these translations provide a first-time understanding of God’s Word and the results are life-changing.

These responses fuel ongoing translation efforts which will persist for decades to come.

Bible Teaching

The Lord has opened many avenues for the distribution of Derek Prince teaching material in Bible schools, universities, schools, Christian conferences, and churches. We also continue to minister to people in hospitals, prisons, refugee camps, military outposts, and the police.

Much of the Bible teaching resources we distribute is given away free.

An accessible Bible school programme was established in 2019 and is now available in 23 locations across Kenya. Over a thousand students are currently enrolled and there are plans to broaden the course to surrounding nations with ever-increasing demand.

Our vision is to open even more offices across the region as we seek new opportunities to connect with people and places never reached before.

Support Bible teaching

Africa always had a special place in Derek’s heart, and we invite you to partner with us to continue his work. Your donation directly supports:

  • Translating and printing of Bible teachings
  • Distributing free material
  • Education and Bible student training
  • Bible distribution

Your gift can inspire more believers to dream big and dedicate themselves to the work of the Lord through a sound understanding of His Word. 

Thank you for your prayers and generous giving.

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