Dear Friend,
All of us at Derek Prince Ministries want to begin this year-end recap with a big thank you—to our Lord Jesus and to you. Because of God’s faithfulness and your involvement, all the news for 2024 is encouraging—far more than we can share here.
As in past years, thanks to the Lord and you, we have seen God’s blessing upon DPM. Through your generosity, DPM-USA continues to be a debt-free organization with substantial resources. This puts us in a strong financial position to assist our 60 outreaches of Derek Prince Ministries as we continue our work to meet the spiritual and tangible needs of believers and non-believers all around the world.
One of the most significant advances in 2024 has been the transition in leadership here at DPM-USA. It has been a smooth and joyful succession process—one which the Holy Spirit initiated over seven years ago. We are excited about working together to lead DPM-USA into a continuing, fruitful future. In 2024, we also marked 21 years since Derek Prince’s death on September 24, 2003. We remain ever mindful of the statement Derek made before his passing: “It is my desire—and I believe the Lord’s desire—that this ministry continue the work, which God began through me…until Jesus returns.” So, we joyfully keep our hands to the plow.
Every day at DPM, we receive responses that prove the ongoing impact and fruit of Derek’s teaching ministry. Here is just a sampling of those testimonies:
Michelle S., San Diego, CA (comment on “Promised Land” online course)
This course has helped me understand the situation in the Middle East and I can now pray for Jerusalem and Israel with new eyes/understanding, knowing that God is in control and is restoring Jerusalem for His Kingdom to come to the earth.
Rosanna P., Dominican Republic
The ministry of deliverance, ignored and undervalued by the church, has awakened a new interest for us. Thank you for this ministry that has endured through the years.
Jeremy M., an inmate from Hartsville, TN
I am a new believer in Christ. The first book I read as a Christian was Foundational Truths for Christian Living . . . Mr. Prince’s writing style is very fluid, and he breaks his thoughts down in such a way that any level of reader can understand the points he is making.
Njuh M., Nigeria, Facebook
If you had not faithfully kept Derek Prince’s legacy, SO MANY of us would not have come into the deep treasures from the Word of God through His servant, Derek Prince.
Alisha M., Milford, DE (comment on the radio broadcast)
I had never heard of Derek Prince. Nor had I ever heard preaching like this before. I don't remember anyone ever talking about deliverance, curses, etc. I found the messages so encouraging, so practical, and so enlightening. I am amazed that Mr. Prince has been gone for quite some time, and yet his ministry is still so fruitful.
We receive heartwarming testimonies like these every day, through emails, letters, social media, and phone calls. In fact, one of our favorite staff meetings is when we take time to read a selection of testimonies out loud to one another during our prayer time. These responses inspire a profound sense of amazement, gratitude, and privilege to be co-laborers in this ministry. And you make all of it possible.
Earlier, we noted that this is not a request for funds. We do recognize, however, that a year-end contribution may be in your normal giving plans. If that is true, we will gladly receive your gift. As we like to say, a year-end contribution provides you with an opportunity to give “a little less to Caesar and a little more to the Lord.”
Thank you again for your partnership with us in the work of DPM. We look forward to moving ahead with you into the bright future God has planned for us.
Sincerely in Christ,

Philip Wyns
President, DPM-USA
All the best,

Dick Leggatt
Executive Consultant/Senior Editor
P.S. For a year-end contribution to be credited in 2024, please make sure it is postmarked by December 31. You may make an online contribution or text an amount to (704)900-1252. If your preference is to donate stock, please contact Support Services at (800) 448-3261.