In John 4:35 Jesus says, “Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” This is a very good description of south east Asia right now. Our DPM coordinators in several nations have been teaching thousands of pastors, church leaders and believers using Derek’s material, and are seeing wonderful results. We would like to thank you for your generous giving over the past year to help enable this to happen and would like to share with you about our upcoming plans for outreach over the next few months in several south east Asian nations...
- Population: 99 million
- Non-Christians: 84.9 million
- People Groups: 118
- Unreached People Groups: 68
- Smartphone Users: 93 million
Pastor “D” is one of our DPM coordinators, based in Da Nang, a coastal city in central Vietnam. His passion is to see the unsaved come to Christ and to equip pastors and Christian leaders with strong, foundational teaching. He is constantly traveling with his team of evangelists to remote parts of central Vietnam to hold seminars and Bible classes for pastors and Christian leaders. They are seeing first-hand the great end-time harvest come in. Recently, he reported back to us after one such seminar, advising,
“We had a wonderful time of teaching, preaching, encouraging, praying and giving books to stir up the fire of the brethren at the seminar in Quảng Ngài. Sixty joined us, including the 10 pastors/evangelists supported by DPM. Our emphasis was “Reaching the Unreached and Teaching the Untaught”, along with Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come”. We distributed Derek’s Laying the Foundation booklets, along with the Self Study Bible Course. One of the evangelists DPM sponsors advised that after the seminar he went back to his town and applied the teaching of “Reaching the Unreached and Teaching the Untaught”. He has since baptized 20 new believers. Although the weather is so very hot, everyone still enjoyed heavenly words and atmosphere. Thanks for praying and supporting us.”

Pastor “D” also advised us that there is a huge need for the teaching of the Word for new Christians. He therefore held meetings with a tribal group earlier this year, including house group leaders, to introduce them to Derek’s foundational material. They responded well to the teaching, with many touched and healed. This has now led to mini-Bible schools being held and new house churches are also springing up in different parts of central Vietnam as a result of people receiving Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
One of the pastors DPM supports told us,
“Thanks for your support; it enables me to train tribal disciples for Jesus. We have monthly Bible classes. We bought lunch for the people who came to study and we go out together to win souls.”
We want to keep this momentum going, so would you kindly consider partnering with us in this vital work? Here’s how you can help:
- The average cost to hold a seminar is NZ$800
- We also need to reprint 23,000 more books for a total cost of NZ$17,000
- Or, if you would please consider sponsoring one of our 10 pastor/evangelists for 2025 costing just NZ$165 per month ($1,980 per year, tax deductible).
Thank you for any gift you can give; it will certainly go a long way to help bring in the huge harvest of souls in Vietnam.
- Population: 118.9 million
- People Groups: 202
- Unreached People Groups: 28
- Smartphone Users: 67 million
The Philippines is an archipelago of 7,100 islands with a population of around 119 million people. With more than 80% being Roman Catholic, we are looking for every means possible to share Derek’s teaching with them. However, poverty and access to Bible teaching resources remains a problem for many people.

Over the years, we have provided Christian leaders and believers with Derek’s books which were distributed widely throughout the nation through seminars, conferences and via a Christian bookstore. This material is a huge encouragement to those who are unable to afford to purchase it. Our focus in more recent times has included broadcasting Derek’s teaching on Light TV in several different formats, including Derek’s 30-minute TV programme, which is one of the highest rating programmes on the channel, plus the two-minute Word from the Word devotionals in the national language, Tagalog.
We are now looking to extend our reach across this nation even further. Two social media staff have been employed in the Philippines and will shortly begin posting new DPM material on the DPM-Philippines Facebook page, including short videos and longer inspirational messages. Our cost to hold a social media marketing campaign in the Philippines will cost NZ$6,000 over 12 months. Could you please consider helping us to fund this important project which has the potential to reach millions of people with Derek’s life-changing teaching.
- Combined Population: 78 million
- Non-Christians: 75.7 million
- Unreached People Groups: 170
- Smartphone Users: 59 million
Poverty and a lack of Christian resources are major problems in both Thailand and Laos, but we remain committed to ensuring that pastors, Christian leaders and believers have access to Derek’s Bible teaching in their own language. Our joint coordinators, Jason and Arisa (based in Thailand), have established a significant relationship with a group of churches in Laos whom they visited earlier this year with our NZ-based coordinators, Alex and Jan. Whilst in Laos, they held a leadership seminar over two days for 20 Christian leaders, teaching them the basic doctrines from Derek’s Foundations Series.
Alex and Jan taught on baptism in the Holy Spirit as most leaders were unsure about being filled with the Spirit. These leaders now have a much greater competency for discipling their members and new Christians back in their villages. Meetings also held with believers taught them how to implement Bible teaching in their lives, using the proclamation cards.
Mala told us:
“I was diagnosed with fluid build-up in my brain, and a brain tumour. I had two surgeries and chemo, but my health was still not good and I could not work. I was holding onto unforgiveness against my father for abandoning us. After proclaiming the Word of God on the DPM proclamation cards, I was delivered from unforgiveness and many miracles happened, including healing. Praise God and may the glory be unto Him!”
We believe this is Laos’ time for the great end-time harvest; there is a hunger and passion for the Lord, including amongst young people. Jason and Arisa will soon be making return trips and will continue holding seminars to train Christian leaders and believers from Derek’s teaching. Each seminar costs approximately NZ$2,000. We also have ongoing costs of $500 per month for translation etc. Any donation you can make to help us meet these costs would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for helping us to bring in the great end-time harvest of souls in south east Asia!