As Jesus said in Matthew 16:18-19
“… on this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven”.
Our team in the Indian Subcontinent are working hard to build the Kingdom of God and strengthen the church. As they teach in seminars and preach in outreaches, they are seeing spiritual breakthroughs and growth. God is very much at work.
Elsie and Danny were told of a wonderful testimony from the Shillong area in the far north East of India. Pastor Sumar Thapa, who picked up the team from the airport told them a true story from their last visit there 11 years ago. Pastor Sumar’s brother, who was a police officer, was far from God and the church. Even though the meetings were specifically for pastors, his brother came to the meetings. This is when the Lord touched his life deeply and he wanted to listen to the messages again, so recordings of the teachings were given to him. As a result of this he committed his life to Jesus and was baptised. The state in which they lived was subject to a time of militancy. Two months after Pastor Sumar’s brothers’ conversion, he was killed in an encounter with a militant. Instead of the family feeling devastated, they found they were rejoicing because he had found salvation before he died. This incredible story shows how God transforms lives and gives hope in adversity and grief. God had a perfect plan for Pastor Sumar’s brothers’ salvation.
Our co-workers continue to meet pastors and others who are spiritually hungry for God even though they have great needs. When Elsie and Danny ministered in Delhi recently, hundreds of people came to evening sessions and even more watched online. They heard God’s truth and found deliverance from oppression. The result of this was true worship and celebration.
There are over 1.4 billion people in India and Sri Lanka so the need for DPM to fund pastor’s seminars to equip them for ministry is great. Political and spiritual opposition is strong in these nations so the Pastors need encouragement and strengthening in God’s Word. After these training sessions, which include personal prayer, prophecy and ministry, they are better equipped in teaching and ministering to their own congregations.
Many young people are actively seeking teaching and training to equip them for the Lord’s service in the coming years. These young people are the generation who will reach thousands, even millions, for Christ. They need to be taught and strengthened in the truth of God’s Word so that they will be those who have built their lives on the rock and not on the sand. As we know, difficult and testing times come to us all and these young people are no different. Now is the time for them to be deeply rooted in God’s Word and ways.
All this takes time and money.
When Elsie and Danny visit Sri Lanka in August this year they will be holding further pastors and young leader’s training sessions. Could you please help us to hold these training sessions and invest in these leaders’ lives by donating to help us cover the costs involved?
To enable a pastor to attend a DPM conference the cost is approx. $70 per pastor and for a young leader to attend a training camp over several days is $150.
In India we have taken on the task of further translating some of Derek’s books into several Indian languages and printing thousands of copies. A large number of these books are given to graduates of Indian Bible schools and to pastors. Just as it is in the west, there are false teachers whose teaching is infiltrating the church in India. This is why it is imperative that we now send out as much of Derek’s solid biblical teaching as possible.
Our budget for translation and book printing is approx. $42,000. We have received some donations toward this for which we are very grateful, but more is needed. Would you consider helping us today to complete our translation and book printing goal for 2024 by contributing financially to this great cause?
Many thanks for whatever gift you can send.
We are very grateful to you for joining us in the work of the Kingdom. Thank you and God bless you.