At the invitation of Local Christian Indigenous Elder of the Wangkatha people Western Australia, Greg Stubbs and his wife Carol, along with the churches in Kalgoorlie and Leonora, Peter and Katie Dunstan embarked on a 7,700 km mission trip into some of the most remote and most arid desert lands of Australia from 23 April to May 30 2024.
We crossed from the East to the West of the nation, departing from NSW, travelling through South Australia and into Western Australia. We arrived in Kalgoorlie WA after an amazing and long drive across the Nullabor Plains. We started our time of ministry by joining our hosting Pastors at their local Church called 24/7, for a morning prayer meeting. At 10 O’clock, we visited a Church of Christ Shed Ministry called M25 that feeds the homeless, and those living rough in Kalgoorlie, and many from surrounding desert communities like Coolgardie, Ninga Mia Aboriginal community, and many others.
The M25 initiative is a unique program that supports those sleeping rough. In Kalgoorlie this is a major problem amongst the Indigenous people, with many displaced by the mines. The program provides food, a safe meeting place, a mobile shower & laundry truck, haircuts, and other initiatives. We loved our time yarning one on one with the clients about the DPM booklets and hearing their stories. We gave out DPM booklets and shared the Word of God, and also prayed with each person. We were honoured, as this was the first time the people had ever received DPM resources & any kind of Ministry, so new ground was broken as we reached people, never reached before. The Spirit of God moved mightily when sharing the Word of God, praying for people, words of prophecy, words of knowledge and healing miracles.
We had the privilege of praying over both the younger & older generation to see them begin to run together for Jesus. Those who came were from many surrounding desert communities and the Ngaanyatjarra Aboriginal communities.
After talking with a key Indigenous leader at M25, they decided to initiate the first Bible Study Group. Providing DPM resources to the Indigenous people, has resulted in spearheading Bible Study Groups and reaching people from many remote Aboriginal communities. Thank you so much DPM and thank you to all treasured donors! After providing people with DPM resources, we received word that those communities now felt more equipped & courageous to lead the Bible Studies. The DPM material distributed will provide sound Bible-based teaching, that these communities otherwise wouldn’t have access to, which will help them grow in the knowledge and understanding of the Bible in this Shed Ministry in Kalgoorlie.
We preached at 24/7 Church Kalgoorlie on Sunday and delivered a Combined Churches Healing Wounded Heart Seminar over 6 hours on Thursday night and Saturday afternoon. Seminar participants included representatives from several local churches, and all 12 clients of the drug rehabilitation centre called “Shalom House”.
"There were many testimonies of God setting people free, bringing both emotional and physical healing from a range of chronic physical health conditions. We also conducted individual prayer ministry, and distributed more DPM resources to participants, who were very grateful."
From Kalgoorlie we travelled further into the desert, to Morapoi Aboriginal Station for a program of meetings. Morapoi Aboriginal Cultural Station, Kookynie WA is 180 kilometres north of Kalgoorlie, in Western Australia. There we had an outback campfire ministry meeting, where we spoke about God’s heart for the broken and emotionally wounded. We distributed DPM booklets with very interested community leaders to pass onto Morapoi Indigenous family groups.
We built a strong connection and friendship with Pastor Geoffrey Stokes, an influential leading Aboriginal Pastor and leader in theGoldfields region. He was baptised in the Spirit and began speaking in tongues. He was particularly interested in sharing the DPM booklets with his church community from many surrounding desert camps. He also hosts an online ministry and plans to use the DPM resources to enrich his ministry and reach online listeners. The DPM material will be used to strengthen this grassroots ministry.
From Morapoi Station we visited a remote Aboriginal community, 200 kilometres further north to Leonora to meet local believers and speak at their Sunday Church service. This was a great privilege. The church is led by an Indigenous Elder Pastor Annette Stokes. People gathered from surrounding desert communities and some travelled in from 500 kilometres away from the Warburton ranges. The Church was full, with standing room only. Peter spoke from Derek Prince’s booklet about the exchange that took place at the cross. This was received very well with many coming forward for prayer and requesting DPM booklets. The service finished with Katie & I leading people to Christ, and people receiving healing and Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Local Elders testified that some of the people came that they thought would never attend Church. This was very encouraging. God is moving upon the Aboriginal people in the desert of Western Australia.
Following various meetings with key leaders and multiple one on one prayer ministry sessions with various leaders, we began the journey of some 3,600kilometres home.
We are deeply grateful to Derek Prince Ministries and all our valued donors for your generous financial support and prayer partnership. Together we reach the unreached and I believe our time there shifted something significant in the spirit realm, bringing healing and deliverance to many, and placed DPM resources in the hands of so many who would not have been reached if we did not go.
This outreach initiative into Indigenous communities throughout Australia is vital to reach, disciple, and equip so many Indigenous people with DPM resources, who would otherwise be unreached. Thank you for your generous and compassionate hearts in supporting this mission.