South Africa National & Provincial Elections 29th May 2024

Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
Derek Prince Ministries South Africa
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I thought it would be helpful to you to hear what Derek had to say about participating in the electoral process.  In 1980 the USA had another presidential election- culminating of which Ronald Reagen was voted into office.  Derek, in his bi-monthly UPDATE, gave a report on his recent ministry trips, but went on to encourage us to get to the polls and make a difference. These words hold true today, as well, so let’s take the time in to pray over these elections- and then go to the polls and vote.

Here is what Derek said in the early days of October 1980.  I am specifically praying myself that in the coming weeks, somehow or other, the power of witchcraft over the political process of the United States will be broken and the political process of the United States will be released from that evil spiritual dominion which has been becoming increasingly dominant in those processes for several years past.  So let me remind you again: Remember to pray.  Ask God to show you how to pray.  Remember to cast your vote, and don’t be afraid of the battle.  They that be with us are more than they that be with them.


Almighty, God, our Heavenly Father, we come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, redeemed by His blood, committed to serve and follow Him. We come to You as Your believing people, Your representatives in this earth, the agents of Your government in the earth. We lift up to You this nation of ours, South Africa. We thank You for the many centuries of special grace and mercy that You have granted to this nation. We thank you for the godly seeds that have been sown over the centuries by men of faith who have followed in Your footsteps-laboured, sacrificed, prayed, and given for Your Kingdom.
Lord, we desire that these godly seeds shall develop into a harvest that shall be reaped for our purposes. We ask You to extend Your grace and mercy to this nation. We ask You to send a mighty visitation of the Holy Spirit that will overthrow the strongholds of Satan and uplift and glorify the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We ask You for a mighty floodtide of spiritual revival that will sweep across this nation, casting down everything that opposes itself against the knowledge of God.
And we commit to You now specifically the forthcoming elections and all of the political processes involved. We take our stand in Jesus Name against ever satanic principality and power that would seek to exercise control in these elections. We break their power, we release the elective and government processes from their control, and we put them in Your hands. We pray that You will guide and overrule. That You will raise up the men and the women of Your choice, put down those who will oppose and stand against Your purposes, and bring Your purposes to fulfilment in this nation.
Lord, we do believe that You have a special destiny for South Africa and we pray that nothing that Satan will do will be able to hinder that destiny.
We also pray, Lord, for the relationship of South Africa with Israel. That You will keep Your hand upon it and that You will also guide and overrule, to the benefit of Israel. That this nation will not turn against Israel or take its stand among the enemies of Israel. That you will graciously use this nation continually to support and uphold Your people, Israel and their State.
Lord, we ask all these things, believing them to be Your will and believing them to be for Your glory, in the precious, all-prevailing name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Saviour, Amen

During this time of decision and action, we would like to equip you with some helpful resources.

Praying to Change History and Reigning Now with Christ audio messages are available for free download as well as Derek's booklet, Praying for the Government.

In addition, the above prayer can be freely printed.

Praying for the Government declaration card can be purchased as a handy card that you take along with you.

For the eBooks/MP3 downloads- or to purchase the printed materials click here. Download our cell phone App.

One of the most basic mandates for the Christian is to pray ‘for kings and all who are in authority.’ Now, perhaps more than ever before, we need to renew this commitment.

You can contact us for the PDF version (Afrikaans: Bid vir die Regering, Ons Skuld aan die Jode, Waarom Israel? and Hoe Geskiedenis deur Vas en Gebed gevorm word.) or you can get the hard copy at 50% discount.

Free Downloads:

Praying To Change History - MP3s

Reigning Now With Christ - MP3s

Praying for the Government - Ebook (EPub)

Praying for the Government - PDF

Our Debt to Israel - Ebook (EPub)

Our Debt to Israel - PDF

Why Israel? - Ebook (EPub)

Why Israel? - PDF

Will you Intercede? - Ebook (EPub)

Will you Intercede? - PDF

Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting - Ebook (EPub)

Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting - PDF

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