Joyce of DPM-UK writes:
“I am not the Messiah, Lord”, I sighed this morning when I was praying. My mind was burdened by something I had read the day before, about children in Afghanistan, suffering from hunger. “There are so many problems in this world and I can not solve them. Only You can”, I exclaimed. “I don’t want to feel troubled by the things I cannot change but trust You for them. But do show me the part for which I am responsible. What do You want me to do?”
Do you recognise this feeling? Does it sound familiar? Then let me share what happened next, so you can rejoice with me.
About an hour after my prayer, a little ping on my mobile phone reminded me about the Bible verse of the day. Today, this verse contained words from the apostle Paul from Galatians 6:10:
“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”
I thanked God for showing me this direction, feeling it was at least partially answer to my prayer. When I got back to work, I found two emails in my inbox. One came from Vlad, our outreach Director in Ukraine. The other came from Albert, outreach Director for the Middle East. Both of them shared exciting updates from the ministry.
Here’s what Vlad wrote:
“I couldn't write earlier, because we were bombed again and we had two days without electricity and there’s only poor mobile internet now. I want to thank you for your prayers and support. May God bless you! I am writing you about our help to refugees and the needy, but first let me share about the general mood of our people. This can be best expressed by this picture of a Banksy graffiti. I believe that we will win - and in fact have already won – because the people are rising spiritually and will be a blessing to others!”

He continued to share about pastor Jury Svyashchenko from the city of Mykolaiv, who we helped drill a well with drinking water in the most difficult times, when their city was practically on the front line. Mykolayiv is located opposite the city of Kherson, which was recently liberated from Russian occupiers. As they left, they blew up all electrical and gas supplies and all boilers for heating settlements. The population is without electricity, heat, gas and in some places without water.
Currently, pastor Jury’s church is overflowing with refugees from Kherson, who receive humanitarian aid here and hear the Word of God. Brother Jury's team takes care of small newly liberated villages, where they preach Christ and distribute DPM prayer cards along with food. Reading his email, I was reminded of something Derek Prince said in his book Spiritual Warfare: Many Christians have the attitude, "I wonder where the Devil is going to strike next?" But the boot should be on the other foot. The Devil should be wondering where the church is going to strike him next!” That is the mentality we need to – and can – have!