Former Soviet Union

Dear Friend,

In these unprecedented times of increasing global unrest and suffering, the world certainly seems to be growing darker. But as believers, we know that Jesus revealed Himself as “the light of the world” (John 8:12).

Amazingly, through the distribution of Derek Prince’s materials, our workers in the former Soviet Republics are currently witnessing the power of this inextinguishable light of Jesus Christ.

Here is just one remarkable report from Armenia:

“We praise God for the impact of Derek’s book, Why Bad Things Happen to God’s People. As a result of the recent war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, some 4,000 mothers lost their sons. In response, a special conference was organised for these mothers. Vazgen, our DPM Armenia Director said, ‘Recently our DPM team printed 2,000 copies of Why Bad Things Happen to God’s People. At the conference, we shared teaching based on Derek’s book, and every attendee was given a free copy

Since this event, we have received many powerful testimonies from those whose lives have been impacted by Derek’s teaching.”’

Sophie And Anna Find Comfort And Hope

One such testimony came from Sophie. When her son was killed, she had torn her Bible into pieces as she was tormented by the question: “Why has this happened to me?” At the conference, when they offered her a free copy of Derek’s book, she almost refused to take it. Later, she contacted a worker, saying that by reading Derek’s book she had found answers for many of her questions, regained her fellowship with God, and received the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

Anna also lost her son in the war—her only son, whom she cherished. As he left for the frontline, she had prayed, sincerely believing God would bring him safely home to her. But when she heard the news of her son’s death, all her hopes were shattered. Confused and in deep pain, she could not pray for a long time.

Vazgen reported: “It was so special to see how they arrived at the conference with tears in their eyes and left with smiles on their faces.”

Oleg Discovered The Power Of True Repentance

When Oleg’s career as a professional football player came to an end, he became involved in gambling, shady business practices, and began drinking heavily. As his life soon spiraled out of control into addiction, he began suffering unbearable panic attacks. Trying to help, his wife took him to various occultists in the area, but this opened him up to a severe attack from Satan which almost killed him. After that attack, he truly repented and unconditionally surrendered his life to Jesus.

Vlad, our DPM outreach worker in Ukraine, who helped Oleg build a new foundation in his life, says, “Oleg’s example shows how important it is for people to not only get free from the bondage of sin, but also to devote their whole life and future to God”.

Your Prayers And Support

Derek’s books and teachings have been a major source of spiritual nourishment for believers in the former Soviet Republics for many years. Even today, they continue to make history and change lives. To help us continue this impact, would you please consider sending a gift today?

A donation of $35 can print ten copies of Why Bad Things Happen to God’s People for traumatized believers like Sophie and Anna.

If you donate $85 today, fifty chaplains or rehabilitation centre leaders in Ukraine can receive a copy of Derek’s book Called to Conquer to help inmates and addicts like Oleg find new life and strengthen their identity in Christ.

Or, with a donation of $200 or more, you can help us to host local conferences to comfort and strengthen believers in Armenia and the former Soviet Republics. Thank you in advance for any contribution you can make to help people like Oleg and Anna find a new hope and a strong foundation in their lives as they are faced with life’s traumas. By sending a gift today or by making a secure online donation, you will help us put Derek’s valuable Bible teaching in the hands of believers throughout this region who are hungry for God’s Word.

Many thanks and God’s blessings,

Warren Smith
Regional Director DPM-Asia/Pacific

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