Southeast Asia

2021 has proven to be another challenging year for so many people across the globe. Our Derek Prince Ministries co-workers throughout the Asia/Pacific region have labored tirelessly to help those affected by Covid-19, plus job losses, food shortages and persecution. They have ensured that Derek’s teaching, along with humanitarian aid, have reached people who desperately need it, and thousands have been abundantly blessed in this way.

Thank you so much for your support to enable the Church to be strengthened during these difficult times. The year ahead is not certain – but we hope and pray that there will be even further opportunities for our co-workers to teach, equip and encourage Christian leaders through Derek’s teaching, which is desperately needed.

Looking ahead, our 2022 plans in southeast Asia and New Zealand include the following...

Thailand & Laos

The Derek Prince Digital Team have now built a Thai and a Lao website containing Derek’s Thai and Lao-language books, plus 36 proclamation cards and several Teaching Letters, all for free download.

To make the website as widely known as possible, 3,000 copies of Divine Exchange in Thai are already being freely distributed in Thailand. A QR code on the book takes readers directly to the website. We plan for proclamation cards, with a QR code on them, to also be freely distributed.

Further material for translation and production during 2022 includes:

  • Up to 52 of Derek’s Teaching Letters will be translated into Thai and Lao.
  • Derek’s daily devotional, Declaring God’s Word, into Thai.
  • The book, Why Israel?
  • Consideration will also be given to voicing some Teaching Letters and the daily devotional.
  • We hope to also explore some voice-overs of Derek’s 28-minute teaching messages.
  • Our contact in Chiang Mai is interested in helping to distribute Derek’s teaching in Thailand, which will be made freely available primarily to pastors and Christian leaders.

It has taken us over 20 years of prayer and enquiries before we could begin translation and distribution of Derek’s Bible teaching in Thailand. But with this work well underway, we now need to raise the funds to keep the translation team working on Derek’s teaching. So, any contribution you can now make would enable us during 2022 to keep equipping pastors, Christian leaders and believers across this Buddhist nation of 70 million people.

Thailand Image


Our Cambodia Director, Mr Huy, and his team, have been very busy this year distributing lots of Derek’s books, along with humanitarian aid. This has proved to be a huge blessing to thousands of people.

One of those recipients is pastor Chheng Nan, who advised Huy:

“I am a pastor at Taches Hope Church. I received the Gospel in 2003, along with my sister. We received a lot of persecution from others in our village. Sometimes, I still have a lot of persecution from people around me, but I trust the Lord for His protection and provision for my family.

During the Covid-19 outbreak in Cambodia, I faced a lot of financial problems; my area was under lockdown and I spent all the money I saved. I was so excited when I heard that God blessed us through Derek Prince Ministries; your support is a great blessing for us. I thank you, Derek Prince Ministries, for this great blessing to other pastors and me; this is a miracle, and this is the reply of God to my prayer.

I thank you for the words of God in the DPM books that you gave me. I like the books, God’s Medicine Bottle and How to Pass from Curse to Blessing; the teaching touches my heart. Thank you for feeding me with the living words of God. I pray that God is protecting all of us.”

Pastors in Cambodia highly value – and need – solid teaching of God’s Word, and so with the Government now starting to open up the country again, Mr Huy’s plans for 2022 are to hold six pastor training sessions, each for 40 pastors, plus six evangelistic outreaches for 100 people each.

Huy also plans to translate, print and distribute 12 new book titles not previously produced in Khmer. This will include two of Derek’s books on Israel, namely The Destiny of Israel and the Church and Key to the Middle East.


Pastor “T”, who is part of the home church network in central Vietnam, told one of our co-workers:

“Thank you so much for the DPM books and seminars; my ministry and I feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit in reading and studying these books. They are very helpful, edifying, life-changing books. We are using it in our Bible schools and distributing to leaders of different denominations. Thank you for giving us a ‘treasure’. May God bless you greatly.”

For Christian leaders like pastor T., Derek’s books – coupled with the teaching given at the seminars – are a lifeline due to the huge lack of Bible teaching available in Vietnam. And the benefits don’t stop with individual pastors – the books are passed around other leaders, and are used to teach congregations and Bible students.

One of our co-workers, Ps. “D”, aims to hold eight pastors’ training seminars and Bible classes in the coming year, along with 10 village outreaches. He also hopes to translate a further five of Derek’s books into Vietnamese and print several thousand copies of nine titles, including The Authority and Power of God’s Word; Secrets of a Prayer Warrior; Praying for the Government and What’s So Important About the Cross?

Our other co-worker in Vietnam, Ps. “A”, plans on holding a two-day pastors’ training course for 70 pastors and a village outreach for 130 people. So, 2022 will be a very busy time for our DPM Vietnamese co-workers.

Discipling Christians throughout Southeast Asia with on-the-ground outreach initiatives that reveal the love and hope of Jesus.

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